Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Scarlet Letter 6: 126-144

"And there stood the minister, with his hand over his heart; and Hester Prynne, with the embroidered letter glimmering on her bosom; and little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between these two" (Hawthorne 140)

Explanation- In this quote there is a symbolism of the sins of each character. In Hester the sin is represented through her Scarlet letter. It symbolizes her adulterous ways; this glimmering letter clearly shines in the night sky. In Dimmesdale the sin is represented whenever he puts his hand over his heart. In this symbolic act there is a physical representation of his sin but it is hidden. Dimmesdale would like to reveal his sin, but it is necessary for the good of the town that this sin keeps tormenting him. Pearl intertwines all these sinful acts by bringing them into life, which these two souls have to bear with forever.

Question- How long has Chillingworth been staring at Dimmesdale, how much does he know?

"Thou wouldst not promise to take my hand, and mother's hand, to-morrow noontide!" (142)

Explanation- In this quote Pearl is asking the good reverend to stay by their sides noon tomorrow and be judged by the village. The good reverend can not afford to do this. He has decided that he keep this sin buried deep inside his heart, and not only that but all those that have sinned too. This torment of his heart shall be his punishment for the sin he has made. But he does say that,"At the Great Judgment day" (139), he will confess before God his sin and be judged by him only. Because Dimmesdale believes that this sin is between him and God, and that no other person had the right to judge him. It is the opposite position of how Proctor felt; that the people should judge his sins, not God.

Question- What is the true representation of the letter "A" in the sky, would it be angel or adultery?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Scarlet Letter 5: 107-126

"Come away, mother! Come away, or yonder old Black Man will catch you! He hath got hold of the minister already. Come away, mother, or he will catch you! But he cannot catch little Pearl!" (Hawthorne 122)

Explanation- In this quote Pearl and Hester seem to walk right in front of Reverend Dimmesdale and Mr. Chillingworth as they are having a discussion about secrecy. Pearl sees how disfigured and ugly Mr. Chillingworth has gotten and relates him to the devil. And she tells her Hester to stay away from Chillingworth because he will bring terrible acts against Hester. And she sees that he has gotten a hold of Mr. Dimmesdale because he looks so pale and weak.

Question- why did Pearl only throw a burr at Mr. Dimmesdale?

"Was haunted by Satan himself, or Satan's emissary, in the guise of old Roger Chillingworth. This diabolical agent had the Divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul." (116-117)

Explanation- In this quote it seems that Mr. Dimmesdale is being haunted by Chillingworth because they are always seen together. Dimmesdale wants this good physician to heal him and help him through his sickness. But Chillingworth has some suspicion against Dimmesdale, that he in fact could be adultery. And being a man of science he will put his whole life's effort to know the truth about Dimmesdale and become closer to him.

Question- Does Chillingworth not care that because of his new appearance some are referring to him as a devil?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Scarlet Letter 4: 91-107

"Nevertheless, I will enter, replied Hester Prynne, and the bond-servant, perhaps, judging from the decision of her air, and the glittering symbol on her bosom, that she was a great lady in the land, offered no opposition" (Hawthorne 95).

Explanation- In this quote it is shown that this servant is a new comer to the country and is not familiar with everything yet, including the scarlet letter. Everyone in the town knows that the "A" is for Adultery and the individual who wears it shall be looked down upon others. The villagers know that these sinful people are the scum of society. But when a newcomer sees the "A" that lies upon Hester's bosom decorated so beautifully, the servant believes that the makes Hester of great importance and a fair lady. Hester has taken this immoral sin and made it into a thing of great beauty.

Question- Why did Hester have such an absurd reaction when she looked at herself and her daughter's reflection in the suit of armor?

"This badge hath taught me-it daily teaches me- it is teaching me at this moment-lessons whereof my child may be wiser and better, albeit they can profit nothing to myself" (101).

Explanation- This quote is a response to Mr. Bellingham's suggestion of taking Pearl and putting with a family that is more suited to take care of her, because of Hester's Scarlet letter. But Hester believes that because of it she is the best suited to raise her daughter. She will remind Pearl that whenever she sees this token to stay on the path of morality. To learn from her mothers mistake so the she will never feel the shame that Hester feels everyday.

Question- Why does Pearl feel so familiar with Mr. Dimmesdale, that she goes to do point where she puts her cheek on his hand?434

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Scarlet Letter 3: 72-91

"Whether moved by her ordinary freakishness, or because an evil spirit prompted her, she put up her small forefinger, and touched the scarlet letter. 'He did not send me!' cried she, positively.'I have no Heavenly Father!'" (Hawthorne 90)

Explanation- In this quote it seems that Pearl has some knowledge that she is a sinful child. But to Hester's surprise pearl seems to love the Scarlet Letter and seemingly love the sin behind it. As though making her a "demon offspring" only loving the sin that created her instead of loathing it,as her mother wanted. Hester is now ashamed of this Scarlet Letter because it only makes Pearl wanting to be on a path like her mother,a path towards sin.

Question- Has Hester told Pearl about the identity of her father, since Pearl knows that she is a sinful child?

"But it is not recorded that, in a single instance, her skilled was called in aid to embroider the white veil which was to cover the pure blushes of a bride. The exception indicated the ever-relentless rigor with which society frowned upon her sin" (76)

Explanation- In this quote it is established that society loathes this adulteress. Her black sin would only corrupt the purity of the white veil. Society does not want Hester to mend because if the dress was made by a sinner . That devilish dress will demoralize the commandment of Matrimony. A sinners presence should not partake in marriage physically or spiritually. Hester, has had her chance only to see it ruined by sin.

Question- Does Hester actually believe that remaining in the town will cleanse her sins?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Scarlet Letter 2: 56-72

"It is too deeply branded. Ye cannot take it off. And would that I might endure his agony, as well as mine" (Hawthorne 64).

Explanation- This quote is a response to Mr. Wilson, as he said he will remove the Scarlet letter if Hester will tell them who her adulterous partner is. Hester refuses because she believes that it is impossible to remove it because this sin is a part of her now. Hester will not snitch and will continue to carry on the "father's" burden for as long as she lives. Just like how Goody Proctor did not speak ill of Proctor's name. She too did not snitch when officials asked her.

Question- Why is it so bad to tell the who the baby's father is?

"We have wronged each other, answered he. Mine was the first wrong answered he. [...] Between thee and me, the scale hangs fairly balanced. (70)

Explanation- In this quote he says the based upon the justice system their sins are equal. His sin is marrying this young woman and hers is having an affair on their marriage. Chillingworth does not feel vengeful he is just shaken up about the situation. Chillingworth wanted a family so he feels some sympathy, but now he does not want anything to do with her sinful child. And seemingly little by little wants her out of his life.

Question- Why has Chillingworth decided to pop up in town all of a sudden?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Scarlet Letter 1: 45-56

"Let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will always be in her heart." (pg. 49)

Explanation- This quote states that many of the townspeople do not feel sorry for Hester Prynne. Because of her sins she shouldn't just be allowed to walk around the town with her head held up high. They believe that Hester should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, meaning death. It is because of such people that the effects of sin can lead people to judge others without knowing the situation Hester could have been in.

Question- Why doesn't she just try to hide her A so that so that the townspeople will not judge her as much for her actions?

"Here, there was the taint of deepest sin in the most sacred quality of human life, working such effect, that the world was only the darker for this woman's beauty, and the more lost for the infant that she had bourne. (53)

Explanation- In this quote it seems to thoroughly describe how the effects of sin can further blemish her life. The town will never again see a beautiful woman but her place a lecherous adulterous whore; who does nothing but sin all day. And now Hester's child has now lost its innocence due to Hester's actions. Now the child is nothing more than representation Hester's sin to herself and the town.

Question- What has happened in Hester's past to make her visualize about it?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Crucible Essay #2

What kinds of punishment is befitting a man who has done nothing but try to lead an honest life, and immediately seeks forgiveness whenever he has done something wrong? It must be that the man should be jailed for life, or just a simple hanging so he won’t be a nuisance anymore. It is this kind of inhumane and ironic act that the council believes John Proctor deserves. Here is a man who has lived his life morally and the council thinks he should die. All of this is because of one immoral act Proctor did long ago and because of this act: his wife distanced herself, and he shatters his own reputation. Since the village does not believe in Confession, the key to John Proctor’s salvation remains not in the village but within himself.

Proctor needs the support of Goody Proctor because to have a good marriage. Proctor has spoken to his wife about his lecherous acts with Abigail Williams. He has proven to her, his honesty by telling her about his immoral acts, but Proctor feels like Mrs. Proctor has not forgiven him. Since the village, “had no ritual for the washing away of sins” (Miller 20), he turns to his wife to forgive him and absolve his sins. Proctor feels as if he has been unable to be redeemed from his sin because his wife remains cold and distant. Since Proctor thinks that his wife has not forgiven him, this sin will continue to cause Proctor great turmoil, and continue to look for forgiveness.

. He tries to convince the village that Abigail Williams is nothing but a lying whore. He wants to tell the village this, but in order to do it he has to explain what he did. He does not want to diminish his reputation by explaining his sin and having the people look at him as a lecher. Although, he wants to tell of this sin so that Abigail will be punished for her actions. This is an internal conflict that Proctor seems to be facing, but as he says, “God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore’s vengeance, and you must see it” (110).

As Proctor says this he is risking his reputation to see that Abigail faces justice. More importantly he is looking for forgiveness and using the choice-supportive bias, meaning he looks to justify his mistake with Abigail even though he knows he can not.

Proctor is choosing between two evils now. He has harmed so many people already so he confesses about his sin; the council demands Proctor make to a fake confession about using witchcraft so he doesn’t bring harm to anyone else, except himself. A false confession is what Proctor is trying to avoid because it is unjust and he is still an honest man. He knows that he will die, but he does not want a public hanging because people will view him as a saint. Proctor’s sin is not yet cleansed, so he does not think he deserves it. It is only when Mr. Hale tells Proctor, “Man, you will hang! You cannot!”, and Proctor decrees, “I can. And there’s your first marvel, that I can.” (144). Proctor understands that he can receive his death sentence with great humility. He realizes that there is no ritual to wash his sins within the village but there lies a ritual within God. Proctor forgives himself and then asks God for forgiveness to atone for his sin. Proctor accepts his flaw and forgives himself. He does not think of himself as a saint but Proctor has accepted his sentence as a final redemption.

Proctor knows that he is human, and humans were preconceived to make mistakes. He believes in honesty but has made a mistake that has contradicted his perspective on life. With the many shifts he gradually has throughout the play. Proctor has come to consider himself an honest man, from the positive and negatives of proctor’s journey he has succumbed to the fact that this flawed society should not be judging him. He comes to terms that God is the only one who can forgive him and deem his redemption as just.

Monday, December 1, 2008

From Mr. Hales to Proctor

Dear Proctor,

Proctor I don’t know what to say, I am completely speechless at what are so called “religious” ways have done to you. I once thought that I had all the answers. I was the one who specialized in witchcraft and “saved” as many people as I could. And those that I thought worked with the Devil would be arrested and later hung. I have gone through my life believing that all those whom I have convicted, betrayed our village and worked for the devil. That is how it has always been done.

When I saw you I thought that you were just another devil worshipper, but you were different. You have done nothing both tell the honest truth and for that we imprison you. It does not make sense. I have had a hand towards your destruction for listening to the idealistic ideas of Danforth. Because of you I have finally quit that corrupted court. And I would like your forgiveness, Mr. Proctor. I can never live with myself for signing away so many lives, but if just one can forgive me. Then I shall too, work towards an honest life.


Mr. Hales

From Tituba to Abigail

Dear Abby,

How dare you accuse Tituba of working with the Devil? You damn well know I ain’t with no Devil, child. I have worked for your uncle for years and have done nothing but love all y’all. But then you of all person turn on Tituba. Makes me wish you would just keel over and die

You were the one that asked Tituba to conjure the dead because you loved my Barbados rituals, child. Why did you explain to Mr. Hale what I was trying to do for y’all. I never wanted to be with the Devil, Tituba was just thinking about the children. I never forced you to do anything, you drank the chicken blood. You lied to everyone to save yourself and let Tituba get hanged and…die. Tituba has done nothing but give and give. And all you have done is take and take until nothing is left and everything dead. I will never forgive you Abby! I will vex your life so that have nothing but downfalls in your life, till you have nothing. Until the faithful day we meet again in front of the Devil’s eyes.


Proctor to Sons

Dear Sons,

As you have heard your mother and I have been arrested on the grounds of witchcraft. Do not fret my sons and do not get angry against the court. I have accepted my faith an should you. Don not seek revenge against the court, remember what I have taught you and live an honest life.

I leave this letter as a final wish I would like all of you to partake in. First I would like you to look after your mother and sibling. Protect her with all your might, never forget to love her. You are all she has left never forget it! As for the child, teach it all I have taught you and more.

I want you to promise me that you will always take the righteous path. Never let the corruption of the village grab hold of you. There is nothing worse than sinning just to save yourself; death is nowhere near selling yourself out. Stand firm and live your life as that of a Saint! God may be dead in Salem but he is not dead in you! Take this knowledge and lead the next generation into a haven for everyone.

Lastly, do not believe that because I am going to die, I regret ever following a righteous path. I have lived my life just as God intended so I regret nothing. Look at my not as a sign of fear but as a sign of strength.

Remember I will always love you.



Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dave Oreste

AP English 11- Mr. George


The Crucible Essay #1

“Who’s to blame for the situation we are in? Who deserves to hang by their necks until their fidgety body becomes limp and lifeless before the crowd?” These questions are flying all over the village and many accusations have been made here and there. Innocent people have been blamed for being a witch and as a result hundreds have dies. Who is to blame for bringing this religious society tumbling down? Only someone who doesn’t quite grasp the teachings of the village would be capable enough to cause harm. That is why; Tituba is the main person to blame for all the strange happenings in the village. The reasons she is the person to blame are as follows: she is blunt to the idea of a witch because she has not been educated enough to know what one is, she tempted the villagers to use her knowledge to talk to the dead even though this was a great sin, and she leads the example of shifting the blame from herself and onto others.

Tituba is a Negro slave from Barbados, who was brought to Salem by Mr. Parris, to serve him and his family. When she talks, “Oh, God, protect Tituba!” (Miller 44), it shows that she is not well educated, as most slaves during that time period. This shows that she might not truly understand the concept of witchcraft to begin with. When Tituba performs her rituals she is just doing what any ordinary woman from Barbados would do, for example talking to the dead. She has been placed in a strict Christian society where her rituals are deemed as witchcraft because they look strange, but they are normal for her. This is why the villagers keep accusing her of being a witch and why she doesn’t quite understand it. But because people keep accusing her she gradually thinks that she is a witch as she says, “Take me home, Devil! Take me home!” (122), truly believing what the people told her.

Tituba may have only been a servant, but she brought a village to its knees. She tempted people with her powers to speak to the dead so much so that it tempted Mrs. Putnam to send her child to Tituba to learn of who murdered the child’s siblings, a horrible act to do in the village. This led to a demonic ritual in the forbidden forest where acts against God were perpetuated. When Parris figures out what happens in the forest the blame immediately goes to Tituba because she is the conjurer and without her there would be no ritual.

She fears that she will get hanged for committing these acts with the children, so there is a shift in her character as she tells Parris and Hale, “I put you way high in the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados!’ And I say, You lie, Devil, you lie! And then he come one stormy night to me, and he say, ‘Look! I have white people belong to me.’ And I look—and there was Goody Good” (47). This is the first time someone has blamed another person and Tituba gets all the charges against her dropped. When Abigail sees this she does the same and blames others too. So Tituba sets the example of blaming others to avoid trouble and everyone soon follows. Thus leading people to accuse anyone they want of being witches bringing them power and protection.

Tituba is accused of being a witch she is now a “weapon” to be used to find other witches. Since she is now convicted for performing witchcraft, the only way to save her own life is by yet again accusing others. This is seen in her interaction with Mr. Hale,

“Hale: Who came to you with the Devil?” (46)

“Tituba: There was four. There was four.” (47)

She may have just simply not complied with him but she knew of the consequences that would happen if she did not. So it was her choice to accuse the innocent just so she could protect herself.

Who’s to blame for the situation we are in? Who deserves to hang by their necks until their fidgety body becomes limp and lifeless before the crowd?” The answer is Tituba. She was just an outsider who was placed in a society where she doesn’t belong. Because of her beliefs that contradicted with the strict Christian society. Tituba has created a pandemonium in the village, one which the village has never seen before.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Danforth: "I will not receive a single plea for pardon or postponement. Them that will not confess will hang. Twelve are already executed; the names of these seven are given out, and the village expects to see them die in the morning. Postponement now speaks a floundering on my part; reprieve or pardon must now cast doubt upon the guilt of them that died till now." (pg.129)

Explanation- This quote comes from Danforth, as a response to Hale's idea of postponement. Hale wants the people to be pardoned, but Danforth is saying that if he did postpone the hangings. Then it would look like he made a mistake, since Danforth is of the highest authority in the village, he is supposed to be looked upon as infallible as God. Since he is the voice of God's justice he is too proud to admit a mistake. Therefore, for him to make a mistake as killing 12 people, who could have been found innocent, would cause uproar in the village.

Question- If Goody Nurse never came would Proctor continue on with his confession or would he have found the resolve to end it himself?

Hale: "Excellency, there are orphans wandering from house to house; abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads, the sink of rotting crops hangs everywhere, and no man knows when the harlots' cry will end his life--and you wonder yet if rebellion's spoke? Better you should marvel how they do not burn your province!"(pg. 130)

Explanation: Hale is explaining to Danforth all the results from his arrests and his hangings. The village is in a state of turmoil right now. And because Danforth put so much faith on the girls, such as Abigail and Mercy Lewis, the villagers are frightened that they might be accused of being a witch and have there life ended right before them. These are all reasons why there should be a rebellion in the village. Because of the whole witchcraft fiasco Danforth is now faced with a new problem of how to deal with this misunderstood and corrupted town he has made.

Question- Will the village ever be the same again?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crucible 8: 113- 127

Proctor, his mind wild, breathless: "I say--I say--God is dead!" (pg. 119)

Explanation- This quote shows a drastic change in Proctor's character. Up until this point, Proctor has been trying to leave an honest and moral life. Believing in the fact that God will reward him for his honesty and damn all the sinners. He has been preaching Gospel passages to prove his honesty, "Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee." (pg.95) As he says this to calm Mary down and remind everyone that he deeply believes in God. Now that Mary has put all the blame on Proctor, it seems that Proctor has given up on God and on his life of honesty. He has given up, because everything he has tried to prove has backfired on him. And even though he was the only one that was genuinely honest, it seems that God has damned him instead of all the corrupted sinners.

What will become of Proctor now that he has confessed to being in league with Satan?

" Abigail, to the ceiling, in a genuine conversation with the "bird," as though trying to talk it out of her attacking her: But God made my face; you cannot want to tear my face. Envy is a deadly sin, Mary." (pg.115)

Explanation- This quote is proving that she is in some sort of trance with this death bird and religious at the same time. And now that all eyes are on her she has the power once again to strike down anyone she deems a threat, in this case it would be Mary. And since Mary has been proven to be a witch more and more. Danforth believes Abigail one again because she has been right so far.

Question- What will become of Abigail and Mercy Lewis now that they have left and will they ever return?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Forgive him, sir, for his old age. Peace, Giles, we'll prove it all now. He lifts up Mary's chin. You cannot weep, Mary. Remember the angel, what he say to the boy. Hold to it, now; there is your rock." (pg.98-99)

Explanation- With this quote Proctor is proving that he is trying to live an honest life. He asks Dansforth to forgive Giles (because of his outburst). And we see again, that he makes another biblical reference to calm Mary down. Even though he is going through all this turmoil, he stays true to his honesty and more importantly to God.

Question- Is Dansforth so naive, that he would believe that Mary Warren is a witch, just because Abigail said she was freezing all of a sudden? Wouldn't it be too much of a coincidence for it to work out for Abby that well?

Parris, instantly:" Excellency, since I come to Salem this man is blackening my name. He-"

Explanation- Parris is still trying to put all this blame away from the girls and onto Proctor. He is trying to prove to Dansforth that Proctor is the liar. This quote is similar to Abigail's quote when she said, "She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me!" (pg 23- 24) Here Mary is doing the same thing as Parris, she is trying to prove to Proctor that Goody Proctor is a liar, because she spread some deceptive rumors. Hence this quote is displaying a theme of Lying around the Proctor family. Even though Proctor has been trying to live an honest life.

Question- Is Parris worthy of being called a minister, even though he has stated that he dislikes Mr. Proctor?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Crucible 6

Parris, in a sweat: "Excellency, you surely cannot think to let so vile a lie be spread in open court."
(pg. 89)

Explanation- In the this quote it seems that Parris is nervous about how Proctor brought up the point that the girls may be lying and may have started this whole pandemonium to save themselves. Parris has just gotten his daughter back from her deep slumber. And now he is fearful that he may lose his daughter forever, if Proctor's statement deems true. Now in order to protect Betty, Parris must prove that Procter is lying and try to convict both Proctor and Giles so he can put this matter out of mind.

Does Parris know or maybe does he have a feeling that Betty and the girls were lying all along?

"In that case, I have no choice but to arrest you for contempt of this court, do you know that?"

Explanation- It seems that Danforth has done nothing but arresting more and more people. And with this quote it seems that he is arresting Giles over such a trivial matter as getting a name. It is because of this that Dansforth might be abusing his power. Therefore, more people start to see this and there just might be a town riot over these witch trials.

Question- Is Dansforth blunt to the possibility that a bunch of girls may have been the reason for him to jail over a 100 people?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crucible 5

"If she is innocent! Why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God's fingers? I'll tell you what's walking Salem- vengeance is walking Salem" (pg.77)

Explanation- During this pandemonium in Salem we have only seen accusers, like Abigail and Tituba, blame others for being involved with witchcraft. And sometimes it is just to point the finger away from them and onto someone else. With this quote, Proctor is brings up the point that the accusers of been given power over the faith of person because the court trusts their accusations.
And they can basically do as they please.

Question- Is the village so naive and frightened, that they'll trust the accusers even if they don't have evidence?

"It's a pity, Ezekiel, that an honest tailor might have gone to heaven must burn in Hell, You'll burn for this do you know it?"(pg. 72)

Explanation- Ezekeil was once an honset man who people might have confessed their secrets to him, but now he has sold himself out to the court. Using all of his information he has and soon will, to backstab some of his fellow villagers. NowGiles might somehow see to it that he'll pay for his treachery.

Question- Doesn't Ezekiel feel any remorse for what he is doing?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small."

Explanation- During this time and especially in this village religion was very important. And knowing the Commandments was child's play (or should be) to any adult. With this quote Mr. Hale is telling Proctor that if we make one little mistake when dealing when dealing with religion. Then that is just one opportunity that the Devil may come in our "fortress" and tear it down, for good.

Question- Why was adultery the one commandment Proctor could not remember, even though he has had such an experience with that commandment?

"Because it speaks deceit, and I am honest! But I'll plead no more! I see now your spirit twists around the single error of my life, and I will never tear it free!"

Explanation- In the Proctor household there seems to be no trust between these two. All john is trying to do is repent and put Abby out of his mind, but Elizabeth want let go of the past.And this no trust situation is happening during the time when you really need the support and trust of others, especially your partner.

Question- Why would Elizabeth send John off to Abby when she knows what she did?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crucible Characters

Reverend Parris- father of Betty Parris, pushy, graduate of Harvard College, people are sick of his sermons always talk about hell and not eough about God, is from Barbados

Betty Parris- daughter of Betty Parris, 10 years old, she tries to jump out of the window, she wails when she hears the Lord's name, she is blamed of witchcraft

Abigail- 17 years old, niece of Parris, former lover of John Proctor, drank chicken blood, and blames some people of erforming witchcraft.

John Proctor- farmer, middle thirties, even-tempered, not easily-led, had relations with Abigail, hates hypocrites, and is trying to repent for his sins.

Elizabeth Proctor - wife of John Proctor, hates Abigail

Thomas Putnam- eldest son of the richest man in the village, arrogant, interested in parishaffairs, dislikes the Nurse clan, sickly daughter

Ann Putnam (Goody Ann)- wife of Thomas Putnam, lost 7 kids during childbirth, has a sick child,

Francis Nurse- husband of Rebecca Nurse, well respected, people had high opinion of him

Rebecca Nurse (Goody Nurse)- wife of Francis Nurse, Putnams hate her

Giles Corey- 83 years old, inquisitive, canny, still powerful, is blamed for any hardships that the town faces, nuisance, an innocent and brave man

Tituba- servant of Parris, from Barbados, might be able to conjure the dead, accused of working with the devil.

Reverend Hale- near forty, from Beverly, eager-eyed intellectual, expert of dealing with witchcraft, tries to help Betty.

Mary Warren- 17 years old, subservient of the Proctors, a naive, lonely girl.

Marshall Herrick- early thirties, ordered by court to take Elizabeth, deputy

Ezekiel Cheever- an honest tailor, chosen by court to jail "witches"

HW 11/12

"Tituba. You must have no fear to tell us who they are, do you understand? We will protect you. The devil can never overcome a minister. You no that do you not?" (pg.46)

Explanation- This quote shows that Hale believe's that he can stop the Devil based on him being a reverend and all the knowledge he has learned about the Devil in his books. He is trying to make himself seem powerful to Tituba so that she will no longer seem frightened.

Question- How come reverend Parris never tried to talk to Tituba, even though he knew that she was a big part of the events that took place last night.

Rebecca-"Let us hope for that. I go to God for you, sir."
Parris- "I hope you do not mean we go to satan here!" (pgs.39-40)

Explanation- These quotes show that Rebecca feel that if she stays then the Devil might appear in the room if they go any further. So she will leave to get away from Satan's grips and go towards God.

Question- If everyone is so religious and they hate Satan, then why is Rebecca the only person that left? Mr. Hale, Parris, and Abigail are the only ones that truly need to be in the room.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

HW for 11/6

1. "Abby I may think of you from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of your mind. We never touched."
"Aye, but we did."

Explanation- This quote seems to be important because it talks about the past relationship between Proctor and Abigail. Abigail wants Proctor to come back to her, but he denies ever having a relationship with her. So that he can protect the marriage with his wife. This may be a key reason of why Abby hates Proctor's wife.

Is that the only reason why Proctor ended the relationship or could there be more?

2. "There are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more."

Explanation-This quote is important because it is saying that because one person isn't preaching about God people have stopped going to church. And that this failure to mention God might bring about more evil. Therefore more people will be accusing others of being witches.

"Could one man's decision not to mention God, really affect this town whose sole purpose is religion?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Crucible HW

1. Mrs Putnam: "Tituba knows how to speak to the dead, Mr. Paris...I take it on my soul, but who else may surely tell us what person murdered my babies?"(pgs. 15-16)

In this quote Mrs. Putnam is telling Parris, that she has been sending Ruth to see Tituba, so she can conjure the dead. She knoews it is a sin to do this but she accepts her faith. If she is doing all of this she must have a clue, "who are what does she think murdered her babies?"

2. Abigail: "Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putman's dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word... about the other things I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. And you know I can do it."

In this quote it is clear that Abigail is scared if anyone found out their secret. So she is threatening to kill anyone who mentions a word of what happens. This all leads to the question, "What exactly happened last night?"


Reverend Parris- middle forties, had a villainous past, very little good about him, widower, no cares for children "He felt insulted if someone rose to shut the window without first asking his permission."

Betty Parris- 10 years old, daughter of reverend Paris

John Proctor- rebelled against suspicions.
First of all, this play takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in the year of 1692. This is the time of the salem witch trials. This tells us what is happening throughout the play and where it takes place. No one really knows what there lives were like. They were forbidden to read or write. And were not allowed to enjoy any sort of entertainment. The people seemed to be very religious and would spend much of their free time aying homage to God.
The historical accuracy is a major part of the story. The play is based off the real trails but it is still fiction. The key differences between the two might be the interactions of characters, dialogue, and the characters themselves.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Dear Journal,

They're fighting again. When my mom and dad sat me down, in the living room, I thought we're going to have the "sex talk". I was prepared for anything or so I thought. What I heard over the next few minutes changed my life forever.

Dad:"Son, Your mom and I have been drifting apart lately and we feel it would be best for everyone if we distanced ourselves. So in plain terms we are getting a divorce."
Mom: "We still love you so much but we can't be next to each other right now."
Dad:"But look on the bright side you'll get more presents and you can sleep at two different houses every week, won't that be fun."
Mom:"So Tommy you haven't said a word yet, how does this make you feel?"

I stared at them for a couple of minutes, I stood up, and walked toward them. I clenched my fists as hard as I could and while I was up nothing bu anger was boiling inside me. "How do I feel huh?
You guys just told me the most devastating news of my life and ask me a stupid question like that... How the fuck do you think I feel. You're breaking this family apart and you try to butter me up with presents. I fucking hate you guys, just leave me alone." After I said that I stormed off to my room, slammed the door, and locked it.

I pressed my ear against the door and tried to hear if my parents were saying anything, but all I could hear was the silence that I had left. I threw myself on my bed and tried to think of how my life would change...

...Man this sucks.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Kid

Dear Journal,

I can't take it anymore. Eighth grade year was suppose to be the best year out of middle school and now it's ruined. When my old school closed down I was pissed because my class was suppose to be the next eighth grade class and take a trip to Washington D.C. Now all I have to look forward to is a year with all these weirdos, here at St. Jude, who I don't even know. Oh, and you won't even believe how my first day went.

I start my first day by waiting in front of the school with the worst uniform colors I have ever worn. I wanted to go back to my old school uniform but I knew that would never happen again. So I was forced to wear these fruity: a yellow shirt and green pants. I mean come on who actually wears these colors. My mom tells me to go inside she said, "One of my friend's son is in your class. So look for him if you need help, OK. She gave me a hug and then drove away.

I found my class and went inside, all I could see where forty eyes staring blankly at me. Then they were murmuring about who I was and where I came from. Then all of a sudden I heard someone shout , "Hey Steve." I turned around and saw this Indian kid coming towards me and then shakes my hand. All I could think was, who the hell are you?. But then I thought it must be that kid my mom was telling me about. Then I replied and said,...hi. Then he says well my name is Daryl, so if you have any questions just ask me ok Steve. I said, "Did you just call me..." I was interrupted when I heard the whole class shout, HI STEVE.

The teacher asked me to introduce her to the class. I walked up and began Hi my name is DAVE Oreste (you freaking idiots). I told them my life story and then I sat back down as the teacher told us that this year were are going to be involved in a lot of things like a school play and something called Barnyard Bingo. As the teacher is talking I go through and think about everything that just happened. And I've come to realise, THIS PLACE SUCKS. I don't know anybody here nor do I want to, people have just called me the wrong name for twenty minutes, I had to explain my life story like twenty times, and worst of all these stupid uniforms.

This was only the first day. And my mom expects me to stay here EVERYDAY for a YEAR.
This is not going to be easy.

Why didn't I go to Our Lady's...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Dear Journal,

It happened again today. I was bullied during recess and then came home with my underwear over my head. Everyone in class is always laughing at me while the school bullies are beating me up, espicially Phillip Georgino. He is the worst out of all of them. He is always taking my lunch money and beating me up everyday. It's just not fair. Why can't everyone just leave me alone?

Mom promised that when we moved everyone would love me and I'd make tons of friends. She was wrong. Whereever I go, everyone is always making fun of my thick glasses and my braces It's always the same: "Hey four-eyes where are you going the loser convention is the other way."
"Braceface my cans need some opening, now."
"Your just a waste of space or go back to wear you come from." Then I get beat up by Phillip and the rest of his gang around 11:00 then after school again.

My life is so horrible that I just can't stand it anymore. Why can't I have one friend to stand up for me. Why won't anybody help me! I can't go through this torture for one more day. I am ending it all tonight. I'm going where no one will ever bully me again a place where I can finally rest in peace.


"New Kid"

There are many disadvantages when you are a new kid including:
  • People might forget your name or they might even call you a different name for a while
  • Getting easily intimidated by the other students.
  • Telling your life story over and over again.
  • Remembering names and faces.
  • Trying to find a new group of friends to hang out with.
  • Starting off as a social outcast and no one knows you at all while you try to ease into the new school year.
  • You start to miss your old school and remember how much fun it was. Also you wish you could go back to the way it used to be.
  • Not knowing the "dumb" traditions of the school
  • Performing at school functions.
  • Hoping that each and every day you don't embaress yourself or get picked on.
  • Learning under a different style of teaching.
  • Trying to get used to your new teacher

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter from any concrete object to yourself(5)

Dear Dave Oreste,

Well its about time you paid attention to me. I am the bed in your room.I couldn't help but notice that you haven't been in here in a while. So I was just wondering, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"
I am a huge queen size bed and you won't even look at me anymore, because you have been sleeping on that twin mattress in the basement haven't you. Oh are you surprised that I figured it out.

Yeah I bet your surprised now, you cheater. How dare you sleep on another mattress. I thought we had something special between us. What about all the memories we shared together, didn't they mean anything to you. Remember when you were sick I stuck by your side and gave you nothing both comfort? But you don't care about me, you just want to sleep on any old bed. You'll just say,"Who cares about my bed, I just want to sleep. It 's just a bed it doesn't have any feelings." Well this bed does.

You know what I can do so much better than you. If I stay with you I'll just end up going to the city dump. That's why I am leaving you for your brother.

Goodbye and so long,
Sean's bed

From your parents to you (4)

Dear Dave,

Hi there my little baby. I am so proud of you getting into Trinity Catholic High School, but it's not as nice as the schools I wanted you to go to. I mean what was wrong with BC High School. It has a really good curriculum and all the teachers their seem really nice and friendly, but it is your decision. And if you are happy at Trinity then I am happy too.

And you even got a scholarship to Trinity which makes things so much easier for me. It's only a one thousand dollar scholarship. I am just saying that Daryl's mom told me that he got a full scholarship to Trinity. Why couldn't you get a full scholarship. You went to school to didn't you. Just next time can you try to work a little harder so I don't have to spend so much money on your education, I want to go on a vacation in May.

Remember booboo, I am just teasing you a little to make you work harder. I know you are smart enough, now you just have to apply yourself. So you can get into a good college and become a great and wealthy doctor just like we always wanted.

p.s. You can't come with me to Europe, in May, so watch after Sean okay.


Letter from aborted baby to the mother (3)

Dear mama,

Hmm.. it feels so nice to finally call you that, even if it is this one and only time. This is little sally or little Suzie or whatever name you were going to give me, because I was going to be your little girl. I know it must have been hard to have this abortion. Maybe I was an accident and you did not have the money to take care of me. maybe I was some "bastard" child and you did not know my daddy, you were probably scared, alone, and you felt like know one understand how you felt. I get that it was unbearable.

I know it was hard for you and abortion must have sen like the only option for you nut you took away my life before it even started. You took away all the future memories we could have had together like baking cookies together, braiding each other's hair, or teaching me how to get a cute boy to notice me. Now all of that will never happen.

Mommy just know that I don't hate you. I just wish we could have had a life together with or without a daddy. If you ever have another kid just do me a favor love your child. Love your child the way you should have loved me.

no one

Thursday, October 23, 2008

From nature to humanity (2)

Dear pitiful humans,
You insignificant beings, you have been a pain in my backside for quite a while.I am the all powerful mother nature. All I've got to say is that I am sick of you people. When God first put you on the earth , he said that you would be peace loving and friendly but he was dreadfully wrong.
You have only made dangerous weapons , started nuclear holocausts, and have killed o most of your kind. Now you apes have to much power and will soon destroy each other. I really couldn't care less if you annihilated your whole kind of the face of the earth, but now all of your actions have had repercussions on the earth. You wretched humans have no contaminated the oceans waters and used my powers for your own personal gain. Now if you want to kill yourselves do it quickly without getting me involved.

Yours Truly,
Mother Nature

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

From an animal to you (1)

Dear owner,
How has life been treating you, jerk. Hope it has been going good for you, because God knows my life sucks. Or should I say the life you took away from me, you murderer. When I saw you pressing your face against the store glass I knew you wanted to save me from that wreched hellhole, called PETCO.

I thought we were best friends because you would always play with me, but you were really just planning on how you would finish me off. OOH I bet you were thinking, "Let me just go over my cousins house for a week. I think I left enough food for Moccha. And if he starves to death maybe I can get my 40 bucks back." Yeah I did starve you freaking idiot. I swear to God you better sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life because I'm going to come back from beyond the grave and kill you. "Muahahahahaha"

Pissed off,
Moccha(LETTER 1)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Forgiveness Letter

Dear Dave,

Hey there, its been quite some time since we spoke to each other. I have been trying to call, e-mail, and message you via facebook, or maybe you have just been so busy that you haven’t had the chance to get back to me. That’s why I am sending you this letter, because I know you will definitely receive, but whether you reply or not is up to you. I just have to get these feelings off my chest.

When we first met I knew there was a connection between us. And a few days later we were going out, I was so happy. Until that unfaithful night when we had that fight and you said, “I want to breakup”. And right then and there you broke my heart..

After the breakup, you said that we can still be friends and be a big part of each other’s lives. If that is true why haven’t you contacted me back, why have you only pushed me away. I need to know, Dave. I am not angry at you nor will I ever hate you. After all this anguish you have put me through I only have one thing to say to you, I forgive you. If you can forgive me I’m just a phone call away. If you can’t forgive me, then I will always remember you in my heart.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Real Deal

Don't you dare use that excuse again. While I was still living at the projects I was going through my "do whatever anyone tells you". This was a negative characteristic of mine. Whever my cousins and I cause some mischief they would always tell me to do the dirty work. No matter what it was I always did it no questions asked. Steal from my mom's wallet, sure no problem.Each and every time I would always get caught and then blame my cousins. I knew it was wrong, and yet I never said no.

We won.! After so many hard fought battles...we did it. The boys varsity soccer team has done nothing both struggle this whole season. We started the season 0-5 and things weren't looking very good, but the one thing we never lost was hope. Through all of this we became stronger as a team. Until the day when we faced Cathedral and played the greatest soccer of our lives.

All I saw was the Eiffel tower emerging over the horizon. After a week and a half in Italy and my "People to People" delegation was heading to France. Our first destination was the city of lights, Paris. I awoke the next day around seven o'clock and then some time later got on the bus and went toward the center of the city.

Time seemed to stand still as my head made its descent to the bottom of the pool. Will I ever...see the light again. It was my second day attending the "Boys and Girls club" summer program. I kept pleading with my mother to let me stay at home while she turned her back and ran through the front door. I looked at the activity board and looked what my group would be doing today. My heart was beating fast , my shoulders tensed up, as I was reading the two most dangerous in my vocabulary, Swim Day.

After all the hard work I put in, it just can't end like this. I knew that this year soccer season would be tough, so I was going to be prepared. I started by attending the lightening soccer camp. The kids there were in a different league from me, but I never quit and I always gave it one hundred percent. When the season started I practiced hard. While I was practicing my tamates and I were playing a fun game. But it all vanished in an in stant when all I could see was Darl entire body come crashing down on my leg. I fell towards the ground and could feel nothing but throbbing pain in my right leg. And all I could think about was, "is it all over".

Friday, October 17, 2008


Never take a right turn on red when you're not supposed to. I learned this lesson the hard way. One sunday morning as I came from another grueling practice. I felt so exhausted, that I could barely stand straight. I just remembered that I had to drive my mom's car home. All I wanted to do his head bak home and hit the sack, that was the only thing that kept me going as a limped to the car. I turned on the ignition, paused got into the driving posItion. Then took off from the driveway. I so tired that I could barely concentrate on the road. I saw the light flash red and made a quick "right turn" unknowingly I had missed the "NO TURN ON RED" sign. All I saw was a grey Mercedes-Benz as it was heading straight at me.

I awake to the sounds of sirens, and my life was never the same again. That will be a day I will never forget. The series of events that took place were unpredictable. I began the day just as usual with a bowl of cereal and some toast. All I heard was a crash and then a scream coming from outside.

As I fell through the arc, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This was bound to happen because of all the reckless choices that I made. Looking back now I wonder what could I have changed. Could this have been preventable. As all these questions were lingering in my mind, I saw my life flash before my eyes.

The echo of his voice reverberated through the forest. He was lost. on the way back from school, I remembered that I had to meet up with a friend across town. I got off the bus and saw him waiting at the corner for me. We had to get to the mall before it closed at eight o'clock. We only had fifty minuets left. To save some time I thought of a shortcut through the woods.

I took a sigh of relief as I closed the program, but then I realized I forgot to save it. I thought to myself, I had just lost everything. One Sunday Night, I spent the rest of the day working for the hardest english essay of my life. I was running out of time, and I had to concentrate.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Intros

  1. Don't you dare use that excuse again.
  2. We won.! After so many hard fought battles...
  3. All I saw was the Eiffel tower emerging over the horizon.
  4. Time seemed to stand still as my head made its descent to the bottom of the pool. Will I ever...
  5. After all the hard work I put in, it just can't end like this.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Broken Dreams

When I came to Trinity Catholic it was quite nerve racking starting at a new school all over again, but this time it was high school. I was optimistic I was in a new school and had a chance to meet new friends. So I thought that I would try the easiest Fall sport and it happened to be soccer. I was thinking if I should really join. Well I had one year of experience and I thought “how hard could it be its just kicking a ball around a field.”I was thinking about how I would be a starter, outrun everyone, and have a laid-back coach who doesn’t really care about the game. “I WAS DEAD WRONG”
On the first day of practice the wonderful laid-back Coach Turick made us run about 5 deadly laps around the field. Everyone was in such great shape because by the end of the second lap, I was already out of breath. I thought that I would outshine everyone even though I did nothing soccer related over the summer, something I truly regretted. By the time I was finishing my last lap, everyone had already gotten a drink of water and was already onto the next activity. A major rule that Coach Turick told the team was to always, “Go hard, or go home. And I really wanted to go home. I thought that practicing five days a week was too hard and stressful for me to keep up with. Also I wasn’t even good so team doesn’t need me. Even though I was so stressed out and tired during practice I always hid that anxiety feeling behind a big goofy smile.
Coach also told me that if you work hard during the practice you will always get playing time. So over the next grueling few weeks, I went hard at every practice. When our first game came I was so happy because I knew that I went hard during practice. So I just sat on the bench waiting for coach to call me. The game ended; he never called. It was then I realized that I was just “benchwarmer.” I always think that if I just lowered my expectations, maybe I would have felt so damaged.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Me Talk Pretty One Day

1.Sedaris makes a humorous essay out of a potentially boring experience by making fun of the fact that he can not understand his teacher. So whenever the teacher is reprimanding him and he comes across a word he doesn't know he takes it out and uses silly words like "palicmkrexis" or "kfdtinvfm". He uses this just to add funny parts to his essay.This type of writing would be considered a deadpan style because it uses no emotion. The funniest part was at the end of the essy. When Sedaris wanted the teacher to keep insulting him because he was finally understanding the language.

2.By the end of the story Sedaris reveals parts of himself throughout the story. This is seen when he comes across a word he is not familiar with he starts to make up his own word, so that it won't make him feel so bad. We see that when Sedaris is afraid of something he tends to ignore it because the fear is holding him back. When he says, "but now I was convinced everthing I said was wrong. When the phone rang I ignored it".

Monday, October 13, 2008

Trust and bad memories

Nobody in life is perfect, everyone has at least one “unflattering” thing about themselves that they wish they did not have or never happened. Maybe when they here they think about the word, unflattering. They might think about something in their appearance or maybe some embarrassing moments in their lives that always brings them down.
For me an unflattering thing I don't like about myself is my trust for others, especially family members. For instance when I was six years old my mom forced me to go to my cousins new house in Everett, my cousin Taina wanted to tag along too. I am just sitting in the car playing with my superman toy and complaing, "do I have to go."
We finally arrived at my cousins house. We all greet one another and I am just staying behind my mom so I don’t have to talk to anyone. Then my mom tells me that she has to forgot something in that car and she needs Taina’s help to find it. She tells me to stay and she’ll be back in a minute. I’m very gullible and way too trusting, so I believe her. So I am standing at the closed front door and I heard the car door open and then close. Next I heard the engine turn on and I’m thinking she’s probably needs the light, that’s why the engine is on. Lastly I ear the car tires squeak and drive away until I couldn’t hear anything. I said to myself she is definitely coming back but my aunt says don’t bet on it. Even when all hope is lost I still trust my mom that she will come back. She never came back.
So I spent my first two hours crying at their front door waiting for my mom. Later in the night I start to warm up to my cousins and play with them. Now I love going over their house to have some fun, but whenever we meet new people or they just want a quick laugh. They always bring up that story when my mom abandoned me. They will always laugh no matter what and I don’t think they will ever stop. So my trust in others is the most unflattering thing in my life. Sometimes trust in others can be good but too much trust will make you gullible.

Shooting an Elepahant

1.In the essay, Shooting an Elephant, the story is about a British police officer who patrols the streets of Burma. In the story a rather tame elephant goes berserk in the town. The officer follows the beast all around town and finally has it cornered, but he is wondering if killing it is really the best solution. In this story there are two dissimilar themes. The first one is British rule over the Burmese people (or Imperialism) and the second theme is peer pressure. As the story goes along these two themes seem to intertwine.
The British officer seems to hate the Imperialistic ideas of the British as he says, “I was all for the Burmese” (Orwell 222) The rest of the Burmese people seem to just treat him as another officer who they hate. But when he corners the elephant rifle at hand, the Burmese crowd behind him seem to honor him because he is about to kill this beast. The officer is now thinking that the elephant has calmed down, but this might be his one and only chance to prove himself to the natives. So he conforms to peer pressure and kill the elephant. This is how these themes join together.

2. Orwell has a lot of unflattering aspects about himself. Some tactics that Orwell employ whenever he is doing this is first, to say how he feels about the situation at hand. Next he will play out the situation in two ways. What he ought to have done in the situation and what he did do. He says, I ought to walk up to within, say, twenty-five yards of the elephant and test his behavior.” “But also I knew that I was going to do no such thing.” (Orwell 225)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 Easy Lesson to achieve popularity

  1. Treat others with respect. Follow the golden rule, " Do unto others as you would like to be treated." Do not belittle anyone and never yell at another person.
  2. Be yourself. You do not need to act a certain way to make others like you. If you show people the "real" you, you can become popular in no time.
  3. Be a role model. Work hard and always make moral decisions. This way you can help others make moral decisions
  4. Be optimistic and never pessimistic. No one likes a complainer who whines about every little thing. Always have an ptimistic outlook on life.
  5. Never doubt yourself. Always believe in yourself and in your abilities. If you put your mind to it you can do anything.
  6. Look proper. That means looking clean and cut. Show others that you are in control of your life whenever they look at you.
  7. Remember to listen. You should always listen to others around you as a sign of respect. When you listen to others people will start listening to you.
  8. Be more involved in your community. Know what is going on in your school, neighborhood, or town. Find the time to help out in your community and meet some new people along the way.
  9. Don't be secretive. Have an honest and open relationship with your friends.
  10. Keep smiling. Smiling is a sign of trust that makes people more feel more comfortable around you. And they get to see those beautiful pearly whites.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Money does not bring you true happiness?

Money does not give you true happiness.
“Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.” (Benjamin Franklin) As Franklin states, if money ever did bring us happiness then we truly would not be happy because it is human nature to always want more, we can never be satisfied with what we have. Money ends up corrupting us so far that it takes away all our friends and everything we care about. In a sense we become a vacuum sucking up everything we care about to fill a void that the evil corruption of money has left. In short terms, money can never make you truly happy.
There is an old proverb that, “Money is the root of all evil”. This is true because everywhere you turn where there is misery money has been a prime factor. Take for example the recent stock market crash that happened. Money people started a pandemonium when they saw how most of the banks stocks were dropping. People have invested so much money and time into their stocks just to see it get washed away. Unemployment rates have gone up because banks can not pay their employers or give loans. Therefore people become scared of the future and how will they survive. Soon people will resort to crime and illegal activities to make ends meet. Violence may soon spread and the streets will never be safe. This may as well continue until we are just a shell of the people we once were. All of this misery, anguish, and corruption originated from money. Through all this there are people who oppose this idea.

There are people who think that money can never corrupt you or bring you to your downfall. They think that money can only bring you joy and happiness. The reason they think this way is because they know what money can give them. Money can buy many of the material possession that people need, it can give us the basic necessities we need to live. It can pay for our educational and medical needs as well. Some people go as far as saying that money can give you love because you always need money in a relationship. Lastly, there are arguments that say money can not corrupt; it is just a form of exchange between people. Therefore the only things that are corrupted are people, not money. All of these statements are good arguments but they are not stable.
Money can be a good thing when we need to buy all the basic necessities we need to live, but when we want more that is when it corrupts us. We may need more money because of soaring gas prices or more health coverage. When we ask for the basic necessities we always need more money to cover every little detail. Money is just another word for power and when humans have even the smallest amount of power they always want more, it is in our nature. If we need money to keep our relationship alive then it is not true love, because love does not require the need for money. Some relationships dissipate because their partner cares more about the money then actual person.
Money can never make you truly happy. It is just another form of temptation to bring us to our downfall. In certain cases it can help us, if we only use what we need, but since we are human we can never be satisfied with what we have. Hence this temptation will continue to rule over us taking away our happiness.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Trouble with Self-Esteem

As humans we are all born with self-esteem. Self-esteem is having a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. How we gain high or low self-esteem depends on our lives and how we deal with it. People with high self-esteem have confidence, belief, and an optimistic view on life. They are the type of people that can turn insults into effective criticism so they can better themselves and have been complimented for any of their accomplishments. Therefore, people with low self have a lack of self-confidence and do not believe in themselves at all. Lauren Slater would state the opposite, Believing that people with high self esteem create a greater threat to everyone around them. That they are cocky and become too overconfident. While people with low self-esteem, who feel bad about themselves, do just as good if not better than people with high self esteem because they work harder. Slater would be right in this case as people with high self-esteem feel that they do not have to try as hard because they feel like they are the best, this is where overconfidence sets in. Hence, people with low self esteem tend to do better and work harder for the sake of acknowledgement. They want to known for all the work and effort the put, so that others will acknowledge their existence and develop a true sense of self respect.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Against Love


The dictionary defines love as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection for another person. Sexual passion or desire for another person. All of these definitions of love represent that love is a beautiful caring emotion that will last a lifetime. In the essay, “Against Love” by Laura Kipnis, she says that love is a mysterious and controlling force that has power over our thoughts and demands our complete loyalty. She shows how love can be an ugly situation.
Kipnis makes a lot of major claims about love. The first major claim is that she begins to talk about “maturity” and “immaturity” in love. She says that immaturity in a relationship is a mate who has refused to settle down or once the mate has settled, looked for ways to escape the relationship. Then maturity would have to be staying faithful with your partner, but Kipnis finds it hard to believe that someone could truly stay faithful to their mate for a lifetime.
Another major claim by Kipnis, dates back to the 17th century where the innovation of happy love did not exist. Marriages back then were business arrangements between families; they had more to do about economy than about love. She states that some historians considered romance to be learned behavior through these romance. Kipner mentions that passion must not be allowed to die in a relationship. The fear that it brings upon us can shape us into conflicted beings. This is where Mutuality, comes into play, which means your partner has needs and you have to fully meet them. The one major requirement Mutuality needs is communication, because no one is a mind reader. You need to be able to communicate with your partner about what you find annoying about your mate and vise versa.
Once you have gotten pat mutuality, the next major clause by Kipler is advanced intimacy, which can be considered as “opening up” to another person. This involves letting our partner into our most innermost thoughts and expressing our feelings toward one another. This is an essential part for any relationship, that can leave you vulnerable but once you get past it brings you closer together with your partner.
Kipler talks about a list of reasons why love in impossible. Some of the reasons from the list involve mutuality and advanced intimacy. While some of the reasons contradict with each other. In all of the reasons, they all use the word “can’t” This list tells a number of ways you “can’t” do in a relationship say you can live in a wonderful partnership. This is how love is obtained.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Notes on Rhetoric

  • Arrangement is the organization of a piece
  • The writer wants to organize the text in the best possible way in order to achieve its purpose.

The Classical Model


  • The introduction or exordium(beginning a web) introduces the reader to the subject under discussion.
  • Ethos will usually be established in the introduction by the writer.


  • the narration(narratio) gives the reader information on the subject
  • This is where the developmental paragraph begin or tells the subject is a problem that needs fixing.
  • Narration also appeals to Pathos because the writer attempts to evoke an emotional response about the importance of the issue being discussed.


  • this is usually the major part of the text that explains the proof needed to make the writers case.


  • refutation addresses the counterargument, it is a bridge between the writers proof and conclusion.
  • If the opposing views are valued by the audience a writer will address them before the present their own argument.
  • This appeals to logos.


  • The conclusion ends the whole essay.
  • The conclusion brings all the writers thoughts and ideas together and answers the question, so what?
  • The last words and ideas of a text are usually the ones the audience will remember

Patterns of Development- another way to consider arrangement is according to purpose


  • narration refers t tellin a story or recounting a series of events.
  • narration is crafting a story that supports your thesis.
  • often, writers use narration as a way to enter into their topics


  • Description is similar to narration because both include many specific deatails.
  • Description emphasizes the senses by painting a picture of how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels.
  • By asking readers to see what you see and feel what you feel, you make it easy for them to emphasize with you.

Process Analysis

  • Process analysis explains how something works, how to do something, or how something was done.
  • The key to successful process analysis is clarity: it's important to explain a subject clearly and logically


  • Providing a series of examples turns a general idea into a concrete one,
  • Aristotle taught that examples are a type of logical proof called induction

Comparison and Contrast

  • Its a common pattern of development, juxtaposing two things to highlight their similarities and differences
  • Writers use this concept to analyze information carefully, which often reveal insights into the information being analyzed

Classification and Division

  • It's important for readers to be able to sort material or ideas into major divisions
  • Writers and readers can make connections between things that may otherwise seem unrelated
  • A writer's task is to develop his or her own categories


  • Defining a term is the first step in a debate or disagreement
  • In some cases defintion is a paragraph to clarify terms
  • Inother cases the purpose of the essay is to establish a defintion

Cause and Effect

  • Analyzing the causes that lead to a certain effect or, conversely, the effects that result from a cause is a powerful foundation for argument.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pathos: I think a good example of Pathos in Chapter 11 would be, " And this is all the reply which I am to have the honor of expecting! I might, perhaps, wish to be informed why, with so little endeaver at civility, I am thus rejected. But it is of small importance." pg 170

For Logs it would be Darcy said," had I with greater policy concealed my stuggles, and flattered you into the belief of my being impelled by unqulified, unalloyed inclination; by reason, by reflection, by everything. But disguise of every shot is my abhorrence. Nor am I ashamed of the feeling I related. They were natural and just. Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections? To congratulate myself on the hope of relations whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own?" pg. 171

For Ethos it would be when Mr. Darcy says, " I have no wish of denying that I did everthing in my power to seperate my friend from your sister, or that I rejoice at my success. Towards him I have been kinder than towards myself." pg. 170 This gives a good example of his character.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

There are three concepts in the art of Rhetoric that we must understand. These concepts are Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. The first one is Ethos, which means character. Ethos demonstrates that the speaker is trustworthy and uses the speakers reputation to get the audience interested in their speech.I think the Pope, especially Pope John Paul II would be a good example of Ethos. He uses his status as the head of the catholic church to get people's attention and he talks about what all humans want, which is world peace.
Logos is the next concept, and it means reason. With Logos you have to offer clear, rational ideas. Also you have to be ready for a counterargument because there will be people that won't agree with you. An example of Logos would be the current battle for the presidency between Obama and McCain. Both of them have clear precise arguments and are reay for a counterargument by their opponent.
Pathos is the last concept, and it means emotion. I would say speeches at the olympics would be a good example of Pathos because even though we can not understand the language they are speaking in. The audience pays close attention to get ready to show their emotion and their pride for their country.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Comparison between Fast food Nation & The Great Gatsby

There are some major similarities and differences between "The Great Gatsby" and "Fast food Nation. One obvious difference is "The Great Gatsby" being a fictional book and "Fast Food Nation being non-fictional. When you compare these books together you come to realize that these books explains the history of events to us. For example in "Fast Food Nation" it talks about the start of the Fast food Industry and how it grewfrom its shaky start to becoming a powerful indusry. In "The Great Gatsby" Nick Carry explains the history of Gatsby. From his legendary beginning to his swift end. Hence these books also explain the downfall of the character/industry.


art can be so deep and complex, but yet beautiful at the same time.