Thursday, September 18, 2008

Notes on Rhetoric

  • Arrangement is the organization of a piece
  • The writer wants to organize the text in the best possible way in order to achieve its purpose.

The Classical Model


  • The introduction or exordium(beginning a web) introduces the reader to the subject under discussion.
  • Ethos will usually be established in the introduction by the writer.


  • the narration(narratio) gives the reader information on the subject
  • This is where the developmental paragraph begin or tells the subject is a problem that needs fixing.
  • Narration also appeals to Pathos because the writer attempts to evoke an emotional response about the importance of the issue being discussed.


  • this is usually the major part of the text that explains the proof needed to make the writers case.


  • refutation addresses the counterargument, it is a bridge between the writers proof and conclusion.
  • If the opposing views are valued by the audience a writer will address them before the present their own argument.
  • This appeals to logos.


  • The conclusion ends the whole essay.
  • The conclusion brings all the writers thoughts and ideas together and answers the question, so what?
  • The last words and ideas of a text are usually the ones the audience will remember

Patterns of Development- another way to consider arrangement is according to purpose


  • narration refers t tellin a story or recounting a series of events.
  • narration is crafting a story that supports your thesis.
  • often, writers use narration as a way to enter into their topics


  • Description is similar to narration because both include many specific deatails.
  • Description emphasizes the senses by painting a picture of how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels.
  • By asking readers to see what you see and feel what you feel, you make it easy for them to emphasize with you.

Process Analysis

  • Process analysis explains how something works, how to do something, or how something was done.
  • The key to successful process analysis is clarity: it's important to explain a subject clearly and logically


  • Providing a series of examples turns a general idea into a concrete one,
  • Aristotle taught that examples are a type of logical proof called induction

Comparison and Contrast

  • Its a common pattern of development, juxtaposing two things to highlight their similarities and differences
  • Writers use this concept to analyze information carefully, which often reveal insights into the information being analyzed

Classification and Division

  • It's important for readers to be able to sort material or ideas into major divisions
  • Writers and readers can make connections between things that may otherwise seem unrelated
  • A writer's task is to develop his or her own categories


  • Defining a term is the first step in a debate or disagreement
  • In some cases defintion is a paragraph to clarify terms
  • Inother cases the purpose of the essay is to establish a defintion

Cause and Effect

  • Analyzing the causes that lead to a certain effect or, conversely, the effects that result from a cause is a powerful foundation for argument.

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