Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Scarlet Letter 3: 72-91

"Whether moved by her ordinary freakishness, or because an evil spirit prompted her, she put up her small forefinger, and touched the scarlet letter. 'He did not send me!' cried she, positively.'I have no Heavenly Father!'" (Hawthorne 90)

Explanation- In this quote it seems that Pearl has some knowledge that she is a sinful child. But to Hester's surprise pearl seems to love the Scarlet Letter and seemingly love the sin behind it. As though making her a "demon offspring" only loving the sin that created her instead of loathing it,as her mother wanted. Hester is now ashamed of this Scarlet Letter because it only makes Pearl wanting to be on a path like her mother,a path towards sin.

Question- Has Hester told Pearl about the identity of her father, since Pearl knows that she is a sinful child?

"But it is not recorded that, in a single instance, her skilled was called in aid to embroider the white veil which was to cover the pure blushes of a bride. The exception indicated the ever-relentless rigor with which society frowned upon her sin" (76)

Explanation- In this quote it is established that society loathes this adulteress. Her black sin would only corrupt the purity of the white veil. Society does not want Hester to mend because if the dress was made by a sinner . That devilish dress will demoralize the commandment of Matrimony. A sinners presence should not partake in marriage physically or spiritually. Hester, has had her chance only to see it ruined by sin.

Question- Does Hester actually believe that remaining in the town will cleanse her sins?

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