Monday, November 3, 2008


Reverend Parris- middle forties, had a villainous past, very little good about him, widower, no cares for children "He felt insulted if someone rose to shut the window without first asking his permission."

Betty Parris- 10 years old, daughter of reverend Paris

John Proctor- rebelled against suspicions.
First of all, this play takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in the year of 1692. This is the time of the salem witch trials. This tells us what is happening throughout the play and where it takes place. No one really knows what there lives were like. They were forbidden to read or write. And were not allowed to enjoy any sort of entertainment. The people seemed to be very religious and would spend much of their free time aying homage to God.
The historical accuracy is a major part of the story. The play is based off the real trails but it is still fiction. The key differences between the two might be the interactions of characters, dialogue, and the characters themselves.

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