Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crucible 8: 113- 127

Proctor, his mind wild, breathless: "I say--I say--God is dead!" (pg. 119)

Explanation- This quote shows a drastic change in Proctor's character. Up until this point, Proctor has been trying to leave an honest and moral life. Believing in the fact that God will reward him for his honesty and damn all the sinners. He has been preaching Gospel passages to prove his honesty, "Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee." (pg.95) As he says this to calm Mary down and remind everyone that he deeply believes in God. Now that Mary has put all the blame on Proctor, it seems that Proctor has given up on God and on his life of honesty. He has given up, because everything he has tried to prove has backfired on him. And even though he was the only one that was genuinely honest, it seems that God has damned him instead of all the corrupted sinners.

What will become of Proctor now that he has confessed to being in league with Satan?

" Abigail, to the ceiling, in a genuine conversation with the "bird," as though trying to talk it out of her attacking her: But God made my face; you cannot want to tear my face. Envy is a deadly sin, Mary." (pg.115)

Explanation- This quote is proving that she is in some sort of trance with this death bird and religious at the same time. And now that all eyes are on her she has the power once again to strike down anyone she deems a threat, in this case it would be Mary. And since Mary has been proven to be a witch more and more. Danforth believes Abigail one again because she has been right so far.

Question- What will become of Abigail and Mercy Lewis now that they have left and will they ever return?

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