Thursday, October 23, 2008

From nature to humanity (2)

Dear pitiful humans,
You insignificant beings, you have been a pain in my backside for quite a while.I am the all powerful mother nature. All I've got to say is that I am sick of you people. When God first put you on the earth , he said that you would be peace loving and friendly but he was dreadfully wrong.
You have only made dangerous weapons , started nuclear holocausts, and have killed o most of your kind. Now you apes have to much power and will soon destroy each other. I really couldn't care less if you annihilated your whole kind of the face of the earth, but now all of your actions have had repercussions on the earth. You wretched humans have no contaminated the oceans waters and used my powers for your own personal gain. Now if you want to kill yourselves do it quickly without getting me involved.

Yours Truly,
Mother Nature

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