Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Kid

Dear Journal,

I can't take it anymore. Eighth grade year was suppose to be the best year out of middle school and now it's ruined. When my old school closed down I was pissed because my class was suppose to be the next eighth grade class and take a trip to Washington D.C. Now all I have to look forward to is a year with all these weirdos, here at St. Jude, who I don't even know. Oh, and you won't even believe how my first day went.

I start my first day by waiting in front of the school with the worst uniform colors I have ever worn. I wanted to go back to my old school uniform but I knew that would never happen again. So I was forced to wear these fruity: a yellow shirt and green pants. I mean come on who actually wears these colors. My mom tells me to go inside she said, "One of my friend's son is in your class. So look for him if you need help, OK. She gave me a hug and then drove away.

I found my class and went inside, all I could see where forty eyes staring blankly at me. Then they were murmuring about who I was and where I came from. Then all of a sudden I heard someone shout , "Hey Steve." I turned around and saw this Indian kid coming towards me and then shakes my hand. All I could think was, who the hell are you?. But then I thought it must be that kid my mom was telling me about. Then I replied and said,...hi. Then he says well my name is Daryl, so if you have any questions just ask me ok Steve. I said, "Did you just call me..." I was interrupted when I heard the whole class shout, HI STEVE.

The teacher asked me to introduce her to the class. I walked up and began Hi my name is DAVE Oreste (you freaking idiots). I told them my life story and then I sat back down as the teacher told us that this year were are going to be involved in a lot of things like a school play and something called Barnyard Bingo. As the teacher is talking I go through and think about everything that just happened. And I've come to realise, THIS PLACE SUCKS. I don't know anybody here nor do I want to, people have just called me the wrong name for twenty minutes, I had to explain my life story like twenty times, and worst of all these stupid uniforms.

This was only the first day. And my mom expects me to stay here EVERYDAY for a YEAR.
This is not going to be easy.

Why didn't I go to Our Lady's...


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