Monday, December 1, 2008

From Mr. Hales to Proctor

Dear Proctor,

Proctor I don’t know what to say, I am completely speechless at what are so called “religious” ways have done to you. I once thought that I had all the answers. I was the one who specialized in witchcraft and “saved” as many people as I could. And those that I thought worked with the Devil would be arrested and later hung. I have gone through my life believing that all those whom I have convicted, betrayed our village and worked for the devil. That is how it has always been done.

When I saw you I thought that you were just another devil worshipper, but you were different. You have done nothing both tell the honest truth and for that we imprison you. It does not make sense. I have had a hand towards your destruction for listening to the idealistic ideas of Danforth. Because of you I have finally quit that corrupted court. And I would like your forgiveness, Mr. Proctor. I can never live with myself for signing away so many lives, but if just one can forgive me. Then I shall too, work towards an honest life.


Mr. Hales

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