Monday, December 1, 2008

From Tituba to Abigail

Dear Abby,

How dare you accuse Tituba of working with the Devil? You damn well know I ain’t with no Devil, child. I have worked for your uncle for years and have done nothing but love all y’all. But then you of all person turn on Tituba. Makes me wish you would just keel over and die

You were the one that asked Tituba to conjure the dead because you loved my Barbados rituals, child. Why did you explain to Mr. Hale what I was trying to do for y’all. I never wanted to be with the Devil, Tituba was just thinking about the children. I never forced you to do anything, you drank the chicken blood. You lied to everyone to save yourself and let Tituba get hanged and…die. Tituba has done nothing but give and give. And all you have done is take and take until nothing is left and everything dead. I will never forgive you Abby! I will vex your life so that have nothing but downfalls in your life, till you have nothing. Until the faithful day we meet again in front of the Devil’s eyes.


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