Tuesday, November 11, 2008

HW 11/12

"Tituba. You must have no fear to tell us who they are, do you understand? We will protect you. The devil can never overcome a minister. You no that do you not?" (pg.46)

Explanation- This quote shows that Hale believe's that he can stop the Devil based on him being a reverend and all the knowledge he has learned about the Devil in his books. He is trying to make himself seem powerful to Tituba so that she will no longer seem frightened.

Question- How come reverend Parris never tried to talk to Tituba, even though he knew that she was a big part of the events that took place last night.

Rebecca-"Let us hope for that. I go to God for you, sir."
Parris- "I hope you do not mean we go to satan here!" (pgs.39-40)

Explanation- These quotes show that Rebecca feel that if she stays then the Devil might appear in the room if they go any further. So she will leave to get away from Satan's grips and go towards God.

Question- If everyone is so religious and they hate Satan, then why is Rebecca the only person that left? Mr. Hale, Parris, and Abigail are the only ones that truly need to be in the room.

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