Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crucible Characters

Reverend Parris- father of Betty Parris, pushy, graduate of Harvard College, people are sick of his sermons always talk about hell and not eough about God, is from Barbados

Betty Parris- daughter of Betty Parris, 10 years old, she tries to jump out of the window, she wails when she hears the Lord's name, she is blamed of witchcraft

Abigail- 17 years old, niece of Parris, former lover of John Proctor, drank chicken blood, and blames some people of erforming witchcraft.

John Proctor- farmer, middle thirties, even-tempered, not easily-led, had relations with Abigail, hates hypocrites, and is trying to repent for his sins.

Elizabeth Proctor - wife of John Proctor, hates Abigail

Thomas Putnam- eldest son of the richest man in the village, arrogant, interested in parishaffairs, dislikes the Nurse clan, sickly daughter

Ann Putnam (Goody Ann)- wife of Thomas Putnam, lost 7 kids during childbirth, has a sick child,

Francis Nurse- husband of Rebecca Nurse, well respected, people had high opinion of him

Rebecca Nurse (Goody Nurse)- wife of Francis Nurse, Putnams hate her

Giles Corey- 83 years old, inquisitive, canny, still powerful, is blamed for any hardships that the town faces, nuisance, an innocent and brave man

Tituba- servant of Parris, from Barbados, might be able to conjure the dead, accused of working with the devil.

Reverend Hale- near forty, from Beverly, eager-eyed intellectual, expert of dealing with witchcraft, tries to help Betty.

Mary Warren- 17 years old, subservient of the Proctors, a naive, lonely girl.

Marshall Herrick- early thirties, ordered by court to take Elizabeth, deputy

Ezekiel Cheever- an honest tailor, chosen by court to jail "witches"

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