Tuesday, March 31, 2009

P& P #9 3/31: 14-18

Quote- "Nobody wants him [Bingley] to come; though I shall always say he used my daughter extremely ill... I am sure Jane will die of a broken heart, and then he will be sorry for what he has done" (Austen 213).

Explanation- This quote shows how much of a hypocrite and vexing she can be. She says to her daughters that she does not want Bingley to come back because of what he has done. If he somehow came to their abode she would put on a pretense and act like she had never said those things about Bingley. Then Mrs. Bennet has the nerve to so impudently joke about Jane's life. She flaunts it around like Jane's soul does not even matter and that its sole purpose is just to guilt one man into submission. Mrs. Bennet does not represent a cordial motherly character we have been brought up with. Instead she represents a woman who will do anything and say anything to get what she wants.

Multiple Choice
On pg. 211, There is a conversation between Jane and Elizabeth and it is mentioned that, "One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it. Which character has all the goodness and which one has all the appearance of goodness.
a) Wickham; Mr. Darcy
b) Mr. Collins; Mr. Bingley
c) Mr. Darcy; Wickham
d) Mr. Bennet; Mr. Bingley
e) None of these choices are correct

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