Wednesday, March 11, 2009


After spending time with Jim I want to know s’more about them nigger slaves. I says to Jim, “what’s it like being some slave Jim. Warn’t it hard, is it bad being one?” Jim took a great ole minute and the he says,
Dey white folks always be tellin Jim that sinse I is a nigger I ain’t got no rights. I gywne to work for them and calls em mastur and mad’m. All the tyme. But now I ain’t see nuffin wrong with it. What do you, honey?
“ It just sees weird o me that niggers like you, Jim get treated like nuffin but garbage all day long. I know I’d get awful tired of serfin Ms. Watson all day. Then when she felt likes selling me off, she would. That just don’t sit well wit me.?
Oh honey, yo’ a b’ thinkin too much. All that learnin at de skool startin to mess, with your head some. Just forgit bust it? I ju’t do as I told to do. I ain’t give bak no lip to dey white people. Cause all dey’ll do is sell me off to sum other white folk. So wat’s de point Huck? I’ll tells you that the’r is none. De ain’t nuffin fo’ us slave niggers. Dat’s why wes got to get be free. I gots me a dream, and I m gywne to be a-getting it.
“That’s an awful pow’rful speech, Jim.”

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