Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Dave Oreste

Two or three days went by me; I reckon it like cause it went all slow like. When we got to the next time we got to town I saw a girl by the, I ‘spose she was the same age as me. All she was doin was lookin at the sea, maybe she a wating for something to happen. I swum to shore and decided to chat with her for a bit, while Jim hide the raft somewheres. I got to the dock and staid there for a spell. She was awful pretty and smelled like sweet peaches, during the ripe season. I told her my name was Max Paine, just some kid pirate who would get adventures and ransomed off women , Tom Sawyer woulda been pride of me.

She giggled all girly-like. She was wearing a nice proper sun dress, like some uiform at a proper school. She was a-wearing a sun hat with flowers on the top of em, and knee-high socks, her shoes were off in the corner. She had sleek brown hair and eyes like the riverbend. She was a holding two books, I bet she was a-learnn a lot then in her fance schoolin. But she still looked pretty.

She says, Her name was Mary Lou. And that’s she loved my “tall tale” stories. I’m gussin she knew I was a-lying. She talked all proper-like. Like some rich preppy british ladies.

“So you are suppose to be some pirate huh. Well don’t mind me, oh warrior of the sea; I am just looking at the sea, trying to imagine what life on the sea would be like. I wish I could come with you Mr. Max. How I envy your life to such an extent.”
I thought it out for a bit and by and by she remind me bout how I feel when I was livin with the widow. She just want the same thing I git right now. So I says: “Come with me and let’s have us some adventures. She giggled, again. I said what’so matter.
“Well I’ll have to think about it first” Then she gave me a smooch and squeezed me tight. Then she giggled, picked up her shoes by my feet. And skipped a-long to the town. Girls are some mighty strange creatures, ain’t they?

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