Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Huck Finn 5: pg 185-209

1) Muggins- a person who lacks good judgment; fool
"Why, you talk like a muggins" (Twain 206).

2) Melodeum- a kind of accordion
"They had borrowed a melodeum" (194).

"That made me feel pretty bad. About an hour or two ago, it would a been a little different, but now it made me feel bad and disappointed" (190).

Explanation- This quote happens when Huck is eavesdropping on the Duke and The King about where they hid their money and how they were planning to ditch the girls. There is also a change in Huck's character that he acknowledges. Maybe a while ago he would have gone with the plan and taken the money, but now he knows that it is defintely wrong because these girls opened up their home to Huck and were very nice to him. Huck is starting to form a bond of friendships with the girls, especially Mary-Jane. Now he cannot just sit around doing nothing while these crooks rob his friends. He will not allow it. Huck has always had some understanding of right and wrong but through this experience he is maturing his own ideals and will now act upon them.

"though I ain't had no experience, and can't say for certain; but it looks so to me, anyway; and yet here's a case where I'm blest if I don't look to me like the truth is better, and actuly safer, than a lie" (200).

Explanation- This is a great step out of Huck's usual character. Instead of lying as he usually does whenever he is in trouble; having to remember that lie, and coming up with another just in case he messes up. This time Huck decides that he will be Frank and tell the truth to Mary-Jane about the uncle's true objective. Huck says that he has no experience with telling the truth so he afraid of what the results might be, but he still does it. After he had gone through his whole plan he said, "I felt very good" (207). For once, he started to feel very good of his actions. He knows that he made the right moral decision.

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