Monday, March 9, 2009

Huck Finn 5: pg 129- 157

1) Contrite- caused by or showing sincere remorse.
"come with a contrite heart!" (Twain 143).

2) Sublime- impressing the mind with a sense of power; inspiring awe
"Ah, it's sublime, sublime!" (148).

"If I never learnt nothing else out of pap, I learnt that the best way to get along with his kind of people is to let them have their own way" (137).

Explanation- Here Huck's moral triangle is now processing what his pap told him to perform the correct action that Huck thinks is right. So Huck knows that the King and the Duke are lying about their identities. But by following his Pap rule, he believes that letting them have their way is the right thing to do because Huck and Jim want to avoid any unnecessary attention. And fighting with a bunch of strangers about their real identities would be too much of a hassle. The best thing to do is to live them alone and go with the flow.

Quote: "Whar'd you come f'm, boy? You prepared to die? Then he rode on. I was scared" (153).

Explanation- This quote shows hoe Huck is just a timid little boy. When he is threatened by an adult who looks scary and dangerous, Huck is frightened away and does not want to be killed. He may have once thought that he wanted to kill people himself and rob them, when he was part of his gang with Tom Sawyer. But after seeing Buck lying dead in front of him, he began to feel scared because he now understand how real death is and how it can affect him.

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