Sunday, March 8, 2009

Huck Finn 4: pg 88-129

1) Wigwam- an American Indian dwelling, usually of rounded or oval shape, formed of poles overlaid with bark, mats, or skins.
"Then he got up slow, and walked to the wigwam, and went in there, without saying anything but that" (Twain 98).

2) Cavort- jump or dance around excitedly
""There was four or five men cavorting around on their horses" (126).

Quotes-I didn't do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn't done that one if I'd a knowed it would make him feel that way" (98).

Explanation- Heck comes to the sudden realization that Jim is someone he should care for. And should not be the butt of all his shenanigans. These two are on the run together that means that they have no one else but if each other. If Huck kept up his Huck his, friendship with Jim could have ended. With his last trick he made Jim leave without saying a word to him. Huck showed sympathy and compassion towards Jim now because he doesn't ever want him to feel like that again because it was mean and stupid. In a way Huck could be maturing more and more.

Quote- "s'pose you done a right and give Jim up; would you felt better than what you do now? No, says I, I'd feel bad- I'd feel just the same way I do now" (104).

Explanation- Huck knows that he was wrong to have lied to the gentlemen that gave him money, but he did not want to reveal Jim. Huck is now thinking to himself if he had made the right decision. He has been taught about his Conscience and is now thinking which decision would have been the moral one. Should he sell out Jim to the men persecuting him, thinking that would make him feel better. Or should he let his friend become free even if Huck does not like his intentions. I believe that Huck made the right decision by lying to the gentlemen. He made a promise to Jim and should keep it, despite the risks. I think Huck will feel that he made the right decision.

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