Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dave Oreste

AP English 11- Mr. George


The Crucible Essay #1

“Who’s to blame for the situation we are in? Who deserves to hang by their necks until their fidgety body becomes limp and lifeless before the crowd?” These questions are flying all over the village and many accusations have been made here and there. Innocent people have been blamed for being a witch and as a result hundreds have dies. Who is to blame for bringing this religious society tumbling down? Only someone who doesn’t quite grasp the teachings of the village would be capable enough to cause harm. That is why; Tituba is the main person to blame for all the strange happenings in the village. The reasons she is the person to blame are as follows: she is blunt to the idea of a witch because she has not been educated enough to know what one is, she tempted the villagers to use her knowledge to talk to the dead even though this was a great sin, and she leads the example of shifting the blame from herself and onto others.

Tituba is a Negro slave from Barbados, who was brought to Salem by Mr. Parris, to serve him and his family. When she talks, “Oh, God, protect Tituba!” (Miller 44), it shows that she is not well educated, as most slaves during that time period. This shows that she might not truly understand the concept of witchcraft to begin with. When Tituba performs her rituals she is just doing what any ordinary woman from Barbados would do, for example talking to the dead. She has been placed in a strict Christian society where her rituals are deemed as witchcraft because they look strange, but they are normal for her. This is why the villagers keep accusing her of being a witch and why she doesn’t quite understand it. But because people keep accusing her she gradually thinks that she is a witch as she says, “Take me home, Devil! Take me home!” (122), truly believing what the people told her.

Tituba may have only been a servant, but she brought a village to its knees. She tempted people with her powers to speak to the dead so much so that it tempted Mrs. Putnam to send her child to Tituba to learn of who murdered the child’s siblings, a horrible act to do in the village. This led to a demonic ritual in the forbidden forest where acts against God were perpetuated. When Parris figures out what happens in the forest the blame immediately goes to Tituba because she is the conjurer and without her there would be no ritual.

She fears that she will get hanged for committing these acts with the children, so there is a shift in her character as she tells Parris and Hale, “I put you way high in the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados!’ And I say, You lie, Devil, you lie! And then he come one stormy night to me, and he say, ‘Look! I have white people belong to me.’ And I look—and there was Goody Good” (47). This is the first time someone has blamed another person and Tituba gets all the charges against her dropped. When Abigail sees this she does the same and blames others too. So Tituba sets the example of blaming others to avoid trouble and everyone soon follows. Thus leading people to accuse anyone they want of being witches bringing them power and protection.

Tituba is accused of being a witch she is now a “weapon” to be used to find other witches. Since she is now convicted for performing witchcraft, the only way to save her own life is by yet again accusing others. This is seen in her interaction with Mr. Hale,

“Hale: Who came to you with the Devil?” (46)

“Tituba: There was four. There was four.” (47)

She may have just simply not complied with him but she knew of the consequences that would happen if she did not. So it was her choice to accuse the innocent just so she could protect herself.

Who’s to blame for the situation we are in? Who deserves to hang by their necks until their fidgety body becomes limp and lifeless before the crowd?” The answer is Tituba. She was just an outsider who was placed in a society where she doesn’t belong. Because of her beliefs that contradicted with the strict Christian society. Tituba has created a pandemonium in the village, one which the village has never seen before.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Danforth: "I will not receive a single plea for pardon or postponement. Them that will not confess will hang. Twelve are already executed; the names of these seven are given out, and the village expects to see them die in the morning. Postponement now speaks a floundering on my part; reprieve or pardon must now cast doubt upon the guilt of them that died till now." (pg.129)

Explanation- This quote comes from Danforth, as a response to Hale's idea of postponement. Hale wants the people to be pardoned, but Danforth is saying that if he did postpone the hangings. Then it would look like he made a mistake, since Danforth is of the highest authority in the village, he is supposed to be looked upon as infallible as God. Since he is the voice of God's justice he is too proud to admit a mistake. Therefore, for him to make a mistake as killing 12 people, who could have been found innocent, would cause uproar in the village.

Question- If Goody Nurse never came would Proctor continue on with his confession or would he have found the resolve to end it himself?

Hale: "Excellency, there are orphans wandering from house to house; abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads, the sink of rotting crops hangs everywhere, and no man knows when the harlots' cry will end his life--and you wonder yet if rebellion's spoke? Better you should marvel how they do not burn your province!"(pg. 130)

Explanation: Hale is explaining to Danforth all the results from his arrests and his hangings. The village is in a state of turmoil right now. And because Danforth put so much faith on the girls, such as Abigail and Mercy Lewis, the villagers are frightened that they might be accused of being a witch and have there life ended right before them. These are all reasons why there should be a rebellion in the village. Because of the whole witchcraft fiasco Danforth is now faced with a new problem of how to deal with this misunderstood and corrupted town he has made.

Question- Will the village ever be the same again?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crucible 8: 113- 127

Proctor, his mind wild, breathless: "I say--I say--God is dead!" (pg. 119)

Explanation- This quote shows a drastic change in Proctor's character. Up until this point, Proctor has been trying to leave an honest and moral life. Believing in the fact that God will reward him for his honesty and damn all the sinners. He has been preaching Gospel passages to prove his honesty, "Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee." (pg.95) As he says this to calm Mary down and remind everyone that he deeply believes in God. Now that Mary has put all the blame on Proctor, it seems that Proctor has given up on God and on his life of honesty. He has given up, because everything he has tried to prove has backfired on him. And even though he was the only one that was genuinely honest, it seems that God has damned him instead of all the corrupted sinners.

What will become of Proctor now that he has confessed to being in league with Satan?

" Abigail, to the ceiling, in a genuine conversation with the "bird," as though trying to talk it out of her attacking her: But God made my face; you cannot want to tear my face. Envy is a deadly sin, Mary." (pg.115)

Explanation- This quote is proving that she is in some sort of trance with this death bird and religious at the same time. And now that all eyes are on her she has the power once again to strike down anyone she deems a threat, in this case it would be Mary. And since Mary has been proven to be a witch more and more. Danforth believes Abigail one again because she has been right so far.

Question- What will become of Abigail and Mercy Lewis now that they have left and will they ever return?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Forgive him, sir, for his old age. Peace, Giles, we'll prove it all now. He lifts up Mary's chin. You cannot weep, Mary. Remember the angel, what he say to the boy. Hold to it, now; there is your rock." (pg.98-99)

Explanation- With this quote Proctor is proving that he is trying to live an honest life. He asks Dansforth to forgive Giles (because of his outburst). And we see again, that he makes another biblical reference to calm Mary down. Even though he is going through all this turmoil, he stays true to his honesty and more importantly to God.

Question- Is Dansforth so naive, that he would believe that Mary Warren is a witch, just because Abigail said she was freezing all of a sudden? Wouldn't it be too much of a coincidence for it to work out for Abby that well?

Parris, instantly:" Excellency, since I come to Salem this man is blackening my name. He-"

Explanation- Parris is still trying to put all this blame away from the girls and onto Proctor. He is trying to prove to Dansforth that Proctor is the liar. This quote is similar to Abigail's quote when she said, "She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me!" (pg 23- 24) Here Mary is doing the same thing as Parris, she is trying to prove to Proctor that Goody Proctor is a liar, because she spread some deceptive rumors. Hence this quote is displaying a theme of Lying around the Proctor family. Even though Proctor has been trying to live an honest life.

Question- Is Parris worthy of being called a minister, even though he has stated that he dislikes Mr. Proctor?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Crucible 6

Parris, in a sweat: "Excellency, you surely cannot think to let so vile a lie be spread in open court."
(pg. 89)

Explanation- In the this quote it seems that Parris is nervous about how Proctor brought up the point that the girls may be lying and may have started this whole pandemonium to save themselves. Parris has just gotten his daughter back from her deep slumber. And now he is fearful that he may lose his daughter forever, if Proctor's statement deems true. Now in order to protect Betty, Parris must prove that Procter is lying and try to convict both Proctor and Giles so he can put this matter out of mind.

Does Parris know or maybe does he have a feeling that Betty and the girls were lying all along?

"In that case, I have no choice but to arrest you for contempt of this court, do you know that?"

Explanation- It seems that Danforth has done nothing but arresting more and more people. And with this quote it seems that he is arresting Giles over such a trivial matter as getting a name. It is because of this that Dansforth might be abusing his power. Therefore, more people start to see this and there just might be a town riot over these witch trials.

Question- Is Dansforth blunt to the possibility that a bunch of girls may have been the reason for him to jail over a 100 people?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crucible 5

"If she is innocent! Why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God's fingers? I'll tell you what's walking Salem- vengeance is walking Salem" (pg.77)

Explanation- During this pandemonium in Salem we have only seen accusers, like Abigail and Tituba, blame others for being involved with witchcraft. And sometimes it is just to point the finger away from them and onto someone else. With this quote, Proctor is brings up the point that the accusers of been given power over the faith of person because the court trusts their accusations.
And they can basically do as they please.

Question- Is the village so naive and frightened, that they'll trust the accusers even if they don't have evidence?

"It's a pity, Ezekiel, that an honest tailor might have gone to heaven must burn in Hell, You'll burn for this do you know it?"(pg. 72)

Explanation- Ezekeil was once an honset man who people might have confessed their secrets to him, but now he has sold himself out to the court. Using all of his information he has and soon will, to backstab some of his fellow villagers. NowGiles might somehow see to it that he'll pay for his treachery.

Question- Doesn't Ezekiel feel any remorse for what he is doing?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small."

Explanation- During this time and especially in this village religion was very important. And knowing the Commandments was child's play (or should be) to any adult. With this quote Mr. Hale is telling Proctor that if we make one little mistake when dealing when dealing with religion. Then that is just one opportunity that the Devil may come in our "fortress" and tear it down, for good.

Question- Why was adultery the one commandment Proctor could not remember, even though he has had such an experience with that commandment?

"Because it speaks deceit, and I am honest! But I'll plead no more! I see now your spirit twists around the single error of my life, and I will never tear it free!"

Explanation- In the Proctor household there seems to be no trust between these two. All john is trying to do is repent and put Abby out of his mind, but Elizabeth want let go of the past.And this no trust situation is happening during the time when you really need the support and trust of others, especially your partner.

Question- Why would Elizabeth send John off to Abby when she knows what she did?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crucible Characters

Reverend Parris- father of Betty Parris, pushy, graduate of Harvard College, people are sick of his sermons always talk about hell and not eough about God, is from Barbados

Betty Parris- daughter of Betty Parris, 10 years old, she tries to jump out of the window, she wails when she hears the Lord's name, she is blamed of witchcraft

Abigail- 17 years old, niece of Parris, former lover of John Proctor, drank chicken blood, and blames some people of erforming witchcraft.

John Proctor- farmer, middle thirties, even-tempered, not easily-led, had relations with Abigail, hates hypocrites, and is trying to repent for his sins.

Elizabeth Proctor - wife of John Proctor, hates Abigail

Thomas Putnam- eldest son of the richest man in the village, arrogant, interested in parishaffairs, dislikes the Nurse clan, sickly daughter

Ann Putnam (Goody Ann)- wife of Thomas Putnam, lost 7 kids during childbirth, has a sick child,

Francis Nurse- husband of Rebecca Nurse, well respected, people had high opinion of him

Rebecca Nurse (Goody Nurse)- wife of Francis Nurse, Putnams hate her

Giles Corey- 83 years old, inquisitive, canny, still powerful, is blamed for any hardships that the town faces, nuisance, an innocent and brave man

Tituba- servant of Parris, from Barbados, might be able to conjure the dead, accused of working with the devil.

Reverend Hale- near forty, from Beverly, eager-eyed intellectual, expert of dealing with witchcraft, tries to help Betty.

Mary Warren- 17 years old, subservient of the Proctors, a naive, lonely girl.

Marshall Herrick- early thirties, ordered by court to take Elizabeth, deputy

Ezekiel Cheever- an honest tailor, chosen by court to jail "witches"

HW 11/12

"Tituba. You must have no fear to tell us who they are, do you understand? We will protect you. The devil can never overcome a minister. You no that do you not?" (pg.46)

Explanation- This quote shows that Hale believe's that he can stop the Devil based on him being a reverend and all the knowledge he has learned about the Devil in his books. He is trying to make himself seem powerful to Tituba so that she will no longer seem frightened.

Question- How come reverend Parris never tried to talk to Tituba, even though he knew that she was a big part of the events that took place last night.

Rebecca-"Let us hope for that. I go to God for you, sir."
Parris- "I hope you do not mean we go to satan here!" (pgs.39-40)

Explanation- These quotes show that Rebecca feel that if she stays then the Devil might appear in the room if they go any further. So she will leave to get away from Satan's grips and go towards God.

Question- If everyone is so religious and they hate Satan, then why is Rebecca the only person that left? Mr. Hale, Parris, and Abigail are the only ones that truly need to be in the room.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

HW for 11/6

1. "Abby I may think of you from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of your mind. We never touched."
"Aye, but we did."

Explanation- This quote seems to be important because it talks about the past relationship between Proctor and Abigail. Abigail wants Proctor to come back to her, but he denies ever having a relationship with her. So that he can protect the marriage with his wife. This may be a key reason of why Abby hates Proctor's wife.

Is that the only reason why Proctor ended the relationship or could there be more?

2. "There are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more."

Explanation-This quote is important because it is saying that because one person isn't preaching about God people have stopped going to church. And that this failure to mention God might bring about more evil. Therefore more people will be accusing others of being witches.

"Could one man's decision not to mention God, really affect this town whose sole purpose is religion?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Crucible HW

1. Mrs Putnam: "Tituba knows how to speak to the dead, Mr. Paris...I take it on my soul, but who else may surely tell us what person murdered my babies?"(pgs. 15-16)

In this quote Mrs. Putnam is telling Parris, that she has been sending Ruth to see Tituba, so she can conjure the dead. She knoews it is a sin to do this but she accepts her faith. If she is doing all of this she must have a clue, "who are what does she think murdered her babies?"

2. Abigail: "Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putman's dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word... about the other things I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. And you know I can do it."

In this quote it is clear that Abigail is scared if anyone found out their secret. So she is threatening to kill anyone who mentions a word of what happens. This all leads to the question, "What exactly happened last night?"


Reverend Parris- middle forties, had a villainous past, very little good about him, widower, no cares for children "He felt insulted if someone rose to shut the window without first asking his permission."

Betty Parris- 10 years old, daughter of reverend Paris

John Proctor- rebelled against suspicions.
First of all, this play takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in the year of 1692. This is the time of the salem witch trials. This tells us what is happening throughout the play and where it takes place. No one really knows what there lives were like. They were forbidden to read or write. And were not allowed to enjoy any sort of entertainment. The people seemed to be very religious and would spend much of their free time aying homage to God.
The historical accuracy is a major part of the story. The play is based off the real trails but it is still fiction. The key differences between the two might be the interactions of characters, dialogue, and the characters themselves.