Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dorian Gray: Chap 9 and 10

1) Ennui- a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from a lack of interest; boredom (
"He had absolutely nothing to do, almost died of ennui, and became a confirmed misanthrope" (Wilde 113).

2) Garrulous- excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner especially about trivial matters (
"She lingered for a few moments, and was garrulous over some detail of the household" (122).

Quote: "To become the spectator of one's own life, as Harry says, is to escape the suffering of life. I know...this. You have not realized now how much I have developed. I was a schoolboy when you knew me" (114).

Explanation- Dorian is explaining to Basil that when he knew Dorian, he was a pure, kind, and sincere child and he loved his innocent life back then. But now because of Harry's influence, Dorian has learned that he has been squandering his good looks and has learned the truths behind his beauty. Harry has turned Dorian from this innocent child to this knowledgeable man. Instead of Dorian living his own life, as he did before. He will now live his life and be a spectator as well. He won't be at the mercy of his emotions; he will now use them when ever he pleases to give him pleasure. He will now master his life to give him the most excitement while he is still beautiful.

Quote: "Yet he could not help feeling infinite pity for the painter who had just made this strange confession to him, and wondered if he himself would ever be so dominated by the personality of a friend" (119).

Explanation- This quote comes after Basil's confession to Dorian about the true nature of his art and how he feels about Dorian himself. Basil told Dorian that he was completely dominated by Dorian's beauty but he feared that he put too much into the painting but realizes now that his art would conceal his feelings toward Dorian. Dorian thought this painter was pitiful for being so dominated by his presence, but what Dorian has yet to realize is that, to some extent, he is the same as Basil. Whenever Dorian begins to talk about his perspective on life he will always quote Harry. He feels that he can never lie to Harry; Dorian will always forgive Harry for any of his actions. What Dorian has to realize is that he has become dominated by Harry and is in the palm of his hands. He has been wrapped up in Harry's Philosophy and has become more than fond of him.

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