Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dorian Gray: Chap 14

1) Precipice- cliff with a vertical, or nearly vertical or overhanging face
" Time seemed to him to be crawling with feet of lead, while he by monstrous winds was being swept toward the jagged edge of some black cleft or precipice" (Wilde 171).

2) Entreat- to ask (a person) earnestly; beg
" Alan, I entreat you" (174).

Quote- "You were stern, harsh, and offensive. You treeated me as no man has ever dared to treat me-no living man, at any rate. I bore it all. Now it is time for me to dictate terms" (175).

Explanation- Dorian has now taken the offensive, with his friend Alan Campbell. Campbell did not want anything to do with Dorian at this point. He did not want to but he has made Dorian do it. Dorian said that no man alive has dared to treat him like that; making some reference to Basil. Forshadowing the dire consequences that lay in the wake for disobeying Dorian. Instead of falling into the will of Dorian, Alan kept on denying his every requests. Dorian feels angered in a way because people wwill do just about anything he says because of his beauty, but Alan has done the opposite. Now Alan has become a ppuppet of Dorian who tried to go against him but miserably fell into the will of Dorian Gray.

Quote- " There was something in the purity and refinement of that sad face that seemed to enrage him. 'You are infamous, abosultely infamous!' " (176).

Explanation- Here Alan could not believe how the sad and beautiful expression Dorian had. Even though Dorian just boldly told him that he murdered someone without the hint of resentment. Now Dorian is crying over it. It was this sudden change in his character that angered Alan because he could not figure out Dorian at all, which is Dorian's specialty.

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