Monday, February 9, 2009

Dorian Gray: Chap 12 and 13

1) Debauchery- excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures;intemperance
"Did I teach the one his vices and the other his debauchery?" (Wilde 155).

2) Stanch- to stop the flowing of; to check or extinguish
" You know I have been always a stanch friend to you" (157).

Quote- "One has a right to judge of a man by the effect he has over his friends. Yours seem to to lose all sense of honor of goodness, of purity. You have filled them with a madness for pleasure" (155).

Explanation- This quote comes from Basil as he is trying to tell Dorian he is on a dangerous path. That this path Dorian is on is affecting all areas of his life including his dearest friends. The reason why people won't associae with Dorian because anyone he comes in contact with have been shamed and their reputations have been ruined. All because of Dorian's action. He has become like poison itself affecting everyone and giving them a lustful taste for pleasure. It seems as if Harry experiment has had some pretty interesting results. Anyone who comes into contact will be poisoned and ruined for life. The experimentee seems to drastically change into an abonation who can hide his true self from the world.

Quote- There was neither real sorrow in it nor real joy. There was simply the passion of the spectator, with perhaps a flicker of triumph in his eyes" (160)

Explanation- Dorian has now acheived his desire of controlling his emotions and using them to get the greatest pleasure. As he said before, "To become the spectator of one's own life, as Harry says, is to escape the suffering of life" (114). He had now become the sought after spectaator he wanted to be. Meaning that he was living out his life but at the same time he is enjoying it; whether it be good or bad. It is just satisfying his pleasures. He is just an actor going performing in the play; yet at the same time he is in the audience appluading for more. His epic triumph comes from his mastery of his life and how he bends and twists it any way he pleases.

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