Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas vacation outline

Chapter 15
• Hester admits that she hates Roger Chillingworth
Hester: “Yes, I hate him!”... “He betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him!” (Hawthorne 159)
• Pearl seems very curious about the scarlet letter and wants to know the true meaning behind it. She even makes a connection between her mother and Mr. Dimmesdale (his action where he places his hand on his heart).
• Hester lies to little Pearl here too.
Hester: “What questions are these? There are many things in this world that a child must not ask about. What know I of this minister’s heart? And as for this scarlet letter I wear it for the sake of its gold-thread” (163).

Chapter 16
• The sunshine runs away from Hester because she is sinned and is engulfed in darkness.
Pearl: “The sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom” (165).
• Pearl continues to ask about the letter so Hester tells her that it is the mark of the black man( the devil)
Hester: “Once in my life I met the Black Man!”… “This scarlet letter is his mark” (168)!

Chapter 17
• Hester and Dimmesdale meet in the forest
• Dimmesdale is burden with the pain of being a hypocrite to all of his followers. And has to bear the constant weight of his sin. Hester sympathizes with him and reveals that Roger Chillingworth was Hester’s husband.( on pg. 175)
• Dimmesdale responded by saying, “I might have known it,” murmured he. I did know it” (175)!
• They both believe that Chillingworth’s sin of human heart is the worst sin. (on pg. 176)
• Now that Dimmesdale knows Chillingworth’s true nature, the physician might realize that he knows.
• Hester believes that they should start anew in another country where Chillingworth can’t get them. (on pgs 178-179)
• This is an important chapter for Hester and Dimmesdale relationship.

Chapter 18
• The scarlet letter had made Hester into a strong woman (180)
• While the minister was left weak for taking on the burden of his sin alone and in secret (180)
• They both decide to start a new life together.
• Hester even throws away her Scarlet letter, and when she does her beauty returns to her and she lets down her hair. (182)
• There is a shift in the minister as he feels some new strength come into him(182)

Chapter 19
• The minister was worried that because Pearl shared the same features as her, the people would have linked the two. (186)
• Dimmesdale says he was never good with children but pearl is the only one who acted nice toward him.(186-187)
• Pearl refuses to acknowledge her mother because she is not wearing the Scarlet letter
• Pearl returns to Hester once she puts the Scarlet letter back on and with it the torment and anguish along with it. She then loses her beauty and freedom. (190)
• Dimmesdale wanted to get closer to Pearl so he kisses her as soon as he does; she runs to the brook and washes her head.
• Pearl seems to be a little sketchy about Dimmesdale.

Chapter 20
• Dimmesdale and Hester want to leave on a Spanish boat but the minister has a sermon in three days.
• He seemed to return to the town with new strength.
• He seemed to have awkward interactions with the people. (196-197)
• Mistress Hibbons seems to have accused him of being in the forest with the black man.
• Dimmesdale goes to his abode then Chillingworth comes in. The minister told the physician that his services where no longer necessary. Chillingworth seemed to know that Dimmesdale knew his true identity.
“The physician knew then, that, in the minister’s regard, he was no longer a trusted friend, but the bitterest of enemies.
• Dimmesdale then threw his old sermon in the fire place and worked on a new one.

Chapter 21
• There is a holiday in the town because of a new elected official so all the people gather in the marketplace.
• Pearl seems to think of Dimmesdale as being sort of two-faced, in the sense that he won’t show his true nature in front of the whole town. (205)
• It seems that Roger Chillingworth has somehow become a member of Hester’s party and is coming aboard the ship(210)
• The newcomers of the area talk about Hester’s scarlet letter and so those the whole town too. And all Hester can do is bear it and try to be strong.
• The soldiers are compared to being royal knights
• And Dimmesdale begins to talk about his speech to everyone and it’s compared to an organ playing.
• Hester seems to be completely stressed out more than ses letting on. (220)

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