Monday, October 12, 2009

Chivalric Code

1. When you like a girl you should never come out too strong or awkward. You should compliment her or help her carry her books. And try to make her laugh, girls love comedy.

2. After you develop a friendship with the girl you like, make sure you have her number so you can chit-chat and get to know each other better. If you see her in the hallway say hey or give her a hug.

3. When asking a girl out have some confidence, never show any sign of weakness.

4. If the girl rejects you then you have to move on, DO NOT BECOME A CREEP WHO STALKS HER AROUND, what's done is done; but you should try to keep the friendship. Just because you cannot get a relationship does not mean you have to lose a friendship.

5. If the girl you like does want to go out with you do not seem too eager. Be cool, calm, and collective.

6. Now that you are dating, never let your women boss you around. You are the man and the men always wear the pants in the relationship.

7. Before your first date, go through a checklist: make sure you smell nice, make sure your breath does not smell, and check to see that your zipper is up. Trust me, these may be basic things but forget one of them and you may find yourself single in no time.

8. For the first date be kind, courteous, and have good table manners. Pull out her chair, hold the door for her, and walk her to her front door. After the first date, these things become more optional. Since you got the girl you do not need to try so hard anymore.

9. Make sure the conversation does not get boring and make sure it does not focus only on you. Remember you are on a date where both people contribute. Ask about her life and get to know her own a personal level. If she starts to talk much and you feel like cannot pay attention anymore, then you do not have to. Just keep nodding your head as she is talking and when she stops say, you agree with her. Girls like that.

10. Most importantly, when you are on a date with your girl, even if it's the first date make sure you both pay 50/50. Men are not made out of money and she should not think like that. Women have always fought for equal rights but when it comes to the check, it is the man who suffers.

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