Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mrs. Bennet Description

Mrs. Bennet is a conniving woman who will do whatever it takes to see her dream come true; to the point where she seems hypocritical and her ideals are gone. She will absolutely see to it that her daughters are all married.
Mrs. Bennet can be a vexing woman at times and her character is difficult to understand. She can be deemed as a hypocrite at some instances. She will love any man who is rich and loves one of her daughters but if the man tries to break her daughter’s heart, then Mrs. Bennet will hate that man with every fiber of her being. When she thought that Darcy would no longer have anything to do with Elizabeth she hated him. As she says, “I am quite sorry, Lizzy, that you should be forced to have that disagreeable man all to yourself” (Austen 348). She absolutely hated Darcy but when she found out that Darcy loved Lizzy, she said “such a charming man! So handsome! so tall!” (351). The true nature of Mrs. Bennet character is that she does not look at the big picture, she only stays focus at the little trifles in her life; which make her look ridiculous.
Mrs. Bennet is like a six year old girl who will whine and complain until she gets her way. Mrs. Bennet treats her daughters like her toy dolls. They are the most precious things to her and she believes she knows what is best for them. Dolls do not talk back to their mother, which is what Mrs. Bennet likes. She wants her dollies to have the best dresses and an action figure to marry her dollies. Her parents say that they don’t have enough money to get all those things. The little girl is willing to wail for days until she achieves her goals; just like Mrs. Bennet.
Mrs. Bennet is like Homer Simpson because they both will spend so much time dealing with the little problems and fail to see the big picture; but in the end it all works out for them.

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